
SIDS GBN - Thematic Areas - Renewable Energy

Given the interdependence of various sectors such as water, food and agriculture, poverty eradication and improving livelihoods with access to sustainable energy, the issue of developing viable renewable energy resources remains a high priority for SIDS.  The efforts of private sector entities will play a major role in developing affordable renewable energy solutions that should lead to a major shift from a high dependence on imported fossil fuels, to more sustainable locally harnessed energy sources. The Barbados Declaration emphasized that there are commercially feasible options for providing energy such as wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean energy, and that many SIDS are particularly suited to these options because of their geographical location. Under the Barbados Declaration, SIDS adopted ambitious targets to achieving sustainable energy.

Among the areas through which the private sector can contribute through partnerships with SIDS include:

  •  (SE4ALL) initiative which aims to bring governments, business and civil society working in partnership to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030. SE4ALL was followed by the 2012  which articulated the unique circumstances, vulnerabilities and needs of SIDS,  as well as SIDS support and commitments towards the three SE4All.
  •  is an inter-governmental organisation born out of an initiative among member countries of the Alliance of Small Island States () to provide SIDS with a collective institutional mechanism to assist them transform their national energy sectors into a catalyst for sustainable economic development and help generate financial resources to address adaptation to climate change.
  •  by IRENA aims to mobilise funding and political will to advance renewable energy deployment in island settings around the world. The Lighthouse Initiative also draws upon IRENA¡¯s  (GREIN) which helps to identify crucial gaps and areas of interest.

Featured Partnerships from the 2014 Private Sector Partnerships Forum

Altaeros Energies showcased partnership opportunities for interested SIDS in deploying the company¡¯s Buoyant Airborne Turbines (BAT) to provide both energy and connectivity/site monitoring. The Altaeros Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT) leverages proven aerospace technology to lift a wind turbine into the strong, consistent winds beyond the reach of traditional towers. The completely automated, rapidly deployable system can safely and effectively bring wind power to remote sites that use expensive fossil fuel electricity today. The applications for SIDS are wide ranging and Altaeros Energies is prepared to explore with SIDS deployment of its technology.  To learn more about Altaeros Energies, click .

Enel Green Power showcased its renewable energy projects and highlighted its interest in working with SIDS in the field of renewable energy, including the development and deployment of power plants harnessing the potential from wind, solar PV, geothermal, hydro and biomass resources.  Enel also made available its cutting-edge wave energy technology and hybrid renewable-storage systems toward providing sustainable energy solutions to isolated communities. To learn more about Enel Green Power, click .

Featured Partnerships from the 2014 Third International Conference on SIDS

Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE)

The partnership aims at the establishment of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) under the umbrella of the CARICOM Energy Policy. The regional centre of excellence will support the Caribbean Island Countries and Territories (CICTs) in the creation of an enabling environment for sustainable energy investments and markets by mitigating existing barriers. The centre will coordinate and implement programs, projects and activities in the areas of capacity and policy development, information and data sharing, as well as investment and business promotion. It will demonstrate leadership in the coordination of donor activities and will act as regional hub for sustainable energy issues and activities. Click  to learn more.

Lighthouses Initiative

IRENA has developed the SIDS Lighthouses Initiative to support the strategic deployment of renewable energy in SIDS, to bring clarity to policy makers regarding the required steps, and to enable targeted action. As a joint effort of SIDS and development partners, this framework for action will assist in transforming SIDS energy systems through the establishment of the enabling conditions for a renewable energy-based future, by moving away from developing projects in isolation to a holistic approach that considers all relevant elements spanning from policy and market frameworks, through technology options to capacity building. Click  to learn more.

Global Renewable Energy Islands Network (GREIN)

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) formed the Global Renewable Energy Islands Network (GREIN), a platform for islands to pool knowledge and share best practices. As a resource for knowledge dedicated to islands, GREIN unites IRENA and its partners in a single space dedicated to the exchange of practical discussion topics related to renewable energy such as roadmaps for deployment, power grid integration, resource assessment, tourism applications, desalination and waste-to-energy systems. By showcasing the business case for renewable energy technologies in a wide range of island settings, GREIN aims to spur more and more islands to invest in these technologies and accelerate their deployment. Click  to learn more.

Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE)

The partnership aims at the establishment of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) under the umbrella of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP). The regional centre of excellence will support the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) in the mitigation of existing barriers for the creation of sustainable energy markets. It will support the strengthening of local capacities for the development and implementation of sustainable energy systems, policies and standards. It will empower the local private sector and industry to take advantage of the growing sustainable energy market opportunities. The promotion of south-south and north-south partnerships for technology and knowledge transfer will be a core activity of the centre. Click  to learn more.

Partnership programme on renewable energy and climate change adaptation in the Pacific SIDS with Italy, Austria, Luxembourg and the Municipality of Milan

The partnership programme specifically addresses a burning issue for Pacific Small Island States, that of developing energy sources that are also environmentally sustainable. Overall, the initiative seeks to promote the use of green energy technologies, thereby providing solutions to i) the environmental risks associated to the shipping of fuels, which could have harsh economic impacts on tourism, especially in the event of accidents; ii) the growing levels of greenhouse gas emissions, related to the use of fossil fuels; iii) the still not equitable access to energy sources by all segments of the local populations.  Click  to learn more.

Melanesia¡¯s Million Miracle Programme (M3P)

The partnership aimed at bringing the miracle of electricity to one million people in Melanesia within 5 years of 2014-2020. This equates to making the wonders of electricity accessible to 82,500 rural households in PNG, 68,380 in the Solomon Islands and 26,625 in Vanuatu. (This is a total of 177,505 households bringing direct benefit to 1,065,030 people, using 6 people as an average family size). It is to assist to bridge the existing gap on the access to modern energy services between the urban and rural areas and/or households in the three participating countries (PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu). Click  to learn more.

Smart Island Economies: the 10 Island Renewable Challenge

Carbon War Room and Rocky Mountain Institute are leading a joint effort to unlock opportunities to scale renewable energy projects across the Caribbean. This work was accelerated on Necker Island three weeks ago with commitments from the British Virgin Islands, Colombia, Dominica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Tucks & Caicos to join the Ten Island Renewable Challenge, and fast-track individual projects to demonstrate sustainability solutions on islands. Government representatives from thirteen Caribbean countries convened with CEOs and executives from over thirty corporations and institutions to build projects and support networks for this work. Click  to learn more.

Featured Photo Credit: Oregon Department of Transportation, Flickr