Conference Room 2, United Nations, New York
Date and Venue
Friday 10 May 13:15-14:30
Trusteeship Council Chamber,?UN?Headquarters (New York, US)
Innovation for structural transformation in Least Developed Countries
5-6 March 2024, Helsinki, Finland
The world is far off track in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Least developed countries are in danger of being left even further behind. With eight years left to 2030, we must urgently develop new ways to accelerate the needed transformations.
On December 13, Bhutan officially leaves the category of the least developed countries (LDCs) - a major milestone that reflects the Himalayan country*s remarkable development progress, especially thanks to its ?unique &gross national happiness* approach.
The Tenth Ministerial Conference of the Least Developed Countries (LDCMC10)?will strengthen commitments towards the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action?by bringing together a variety of partners to explore innovative strategies and solutions for sustainable industrialization of the Least Develope
8th WIF 2023 Premises, ADNEC in Abu Dhabi ()
Organized by United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) in partnership with UNCTAD and WAIPA
The Doha Programme of Action is an ambitious blueprint for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that has specified key six priority areas: a) investing in people in the least developed countries: eradicating poverty and building capacity to leave no one behind, b) leveraging the power of science, technology and innovation to fight against multidimensional vulnerabiliti
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