
Least Developed Countries

Corporate Sustainability Reporting in LDCs: Challenges and Opportunities For Action (2019)



The purpose of this occasional policy papers series, published by the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), is to analyse policy issues relating to the development of the least developed countries (LDCs), stimulate discussions and promote international cooperation.

Urgent Action Needed to Scale-up Energy Access in World*s Poorest Countries


Press Release

BEIJING, 31 May 2019 每 Without urgent and enhanced action, the world*s forty-seven least developed countries will not achieve global sustainable energy targets by 2030. This was the backdrop to discussions which took place over the last two days at a United Nations conference on scaling-up energy access and finance in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Beijing.

Urgent Action Needed to Scale-up Energy Access in World*s Poorest Countries


BEIJING, 31 May 2019 每 Without urgent and enhanced action, the world*s forty-seven least developed countries will not achieve global sustainable energy targets by 2030. This was the backdrop to discussions which took place over the last two days at a United Nations conference on scaling-up energy access and finance in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Beijing.

New Study Launched to Identify Sustainable Energy Investment Opportunities in Malawi


Press Release?

LILONGWE, 7 February 2019 每 Investment is vital for sustainable energy to flourish in Malawi and to enable the life changing benefits that electricity brings to areas including education, health care, industry and the economy. A study launched today in Lilongwe, Malawi, will map a way forward for investment in the country*s sustainable energy sector, bringing together vital partners and identifying areas for action.?

Political Risk Insurance as a Tool for Sustainable Investment Policy in LDCs: MIGA and Beyond (2018)


At the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA), world leaders pledged to: ※to adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for LDCs [and] offer financial and technical support for (#) access to information on investment facilities and risk insurance and guarantees such as through MIGA, as requested by the LDCs.§ This study examines existing political investment insurance programs and related risk management facilities for foreign investment, in particular those of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), as they app

Enhancing STI in Africa through the Technology Bank for the LDCs (2018)


The analysis in this paper shows that despite the importance of STI, African LDCs are lagging far behind other countries in various STI indicators, including R&D, human resource capacity, patents and innovation. In order for African LDCs to catch-up, they will need to embrace the on-going Technological Revolution, while ensuring that the net effect on the labour market and productivity is positive. This would significantly contribute to eradicating poverty and fostering economic growth in the African LDCs.