
Trade Elements of the Doha Programme of Action: Regional Perspectives 2

星期一, 30 January 2023 - 12:30pm to 星期二, 31 January 2023 - 6:30pm

Regional consultation on LDC5 for LDCs in Asia-Pacific


The Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022-2031 (DPoA) was adopted by consensus at the First Part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) held in New York on 17 March 2023. The General Assembly of the United Nation endorsed the DPoA on 1 April 2022 . The international trade of the least developed countries and regional integration has been identified as one of the six priority areas for action in the DPoA. The Programme of Action sets ambitious targets in the area of international trade, which include, (i) fully and expeditiously implementing all the decisions of its Ministerial Conferences taken in favour of least developed countries, (ii) significantly increasing the exports of least developed countries, with a view to doubling their share of global exports by 2031, (iii) significantly increasing Aid for Trade support for least developed countries, which is expected to double by 2031 from 2018 levels; and (iv) increasing the participation of least developed countries in e-commerce by strengthening ICT infrastructure and building their human and institutional capacities to better support the development of and integration into digital value chains. Implementation of these goals and targets will play a critical role in accelerating economic growth, employment generation, poverty alleviation, and more prosperous and inclusive future for all in LDCs.

Aim and approach

WTO and UN-OHRLLS signed a partnership agreement on 11 June 2022 to support the implementation of trade-related goals, targets and commitments of the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs. As part of these joint efforts, WTO and UNOHRLLS in cooperation with EIF and the UN Regional Economic Commissions are organizing two regional consultations in January 2023 for high-level government officials from LDCs to share experiences and to explore trade opportunities for LDCs in the evolving trading landscape. The outcomes of these consultations will be presented at the second part of the Fifth UN Conference for LDCs in Doha, Qatar, on 5-9 March 2023 (/ldc5/).

Tentative date and venue

Title Venue Date (TBC)
Regional consultations – African LDCs UNECA Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 17-18 January 2023
Regional consultations – Asia-Pacific LDCs Cambodia 30-31 January 2023
