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Issues Brought to Our Attention

Staff visitors bring many different types of issues to us that they are facing in their workplace.


Most of the issues brought to our attention fall into the nine broad categories below:

Compensation and benefits

Issues relating to salary, pension, leave, health insurance, various entitlements

Evaluative relationships

Issues between colleagues with supervisory relationships, such as respect and treatment, interpersonal differences, communication and performance management

Peer and colleague relationships

Issues between colleagues with no supervisory relationships, such as respect and treatment, interpersonal differences, communication, and reputation

Job and career

Issues impacting job conditions or the career progression of the visitor: recruitment, contract, job description/classification, training, promotion, transfer and rotation, separation, abolition of post and retirement processes

Legal, regulatory, financial and compliance

Harassment, discrimination, retaliation, gender and geographic balance; investigative/disciplinary processes, waste, fraud and abuse of funds

Safety, health, wellbeing, stress and work/life

Working conditions; general wellbeing and stress; accommodation for disability or health conditions; issues with health, safety and security


Responsiveness, timeliness, or administrative actions by sections providing services to staff (e.g. human resources, pension fund, tax unit)

Organizational, leadership and management

Organizational climate, morale, culture, communication; change management, issues with leadership in the organization and management styles

Values, ethics and standards

Issues pertaining to United Nations core values and code of ethics


The following are examples of common situations brought to the attention of our ombudsman, conflict-resolution experts and mediators:

  • I am managing several staff members, my relationship with one of them has been problematic. I need to have a conversation with this person about performance and would like some conflict coaching or perhaps your assistance with having a conversation.
  • I feel that my supervisor is micromanaging me, and not appreciating my work. I'm afraid that if I approach my supervisor directly, there will be retaliation. What are my options?
  • Ever since we started working from home, I have been experiencing many difficulties juggling my family and my job responsibilities. When I spoke to my manager, she didn't seem understanding. She gave me even more work. What can I do?
  • In my office, there’s this one person who is always in a bad mood, yells at people, argues with everyone. It’s very hard to work because the atmosphere is so toxic. Is there something your Office could do to help our team?
  • I recently joined the United Nations. I have a hard time trying to fit in, learning the team's culture and performing well in my new job. My team doesn't seem to welcome my presence, and I don't know what to do. What can I do to better manage the situation?
  • I had a difficult year with my supervisor. I just heard that my contract will not be renewed. Can I discuss my options with you?
  • We are a group of staff. We find that we don't get enough opportunities for external training How can we address this with our manager?
  • I’m at my wits end here. My manager has been harassing me for months and won’t stop. I’m thinking of filing a formal complaint against him, but don’t quite understand the procedure; could you help me understand the way forward?
  • In my team, I have observed that my colleague is being unfairly treated and discriminated against. My colleague is a woman, from a culture other than that of the manager. Is there something I can do as a bystander?
  • I'm feeling very stressed because I find that colleagues in the office talk more than they work. I end up doing everything alone, and the boss isn't doing anything about it. I am seeing the staff counselor already, but I want to know if you can help me address the workplace issue moving forward.
  • I have been posted to a duty station where the working conditions are quite harsh. I find that we have inadequate health care and safety and security. I would like to raise this issue without being seen as a troublemaker. Can you help me explore my options?
  • I am at a standstill. I don’t agree with an administrative decision, but no matter how much I explain or how many doors I knock on, the issue doesn’t get reviewed. Could you help me untangle the matter and explore options for a fair resolution?
  • The climate of the entity I work in is very tense and not conducive to open communication. Morale is low, rumours and gossip are widespread. This is mainly due to the leadership from the top. We are looking for support to see how we can make things change. Could you help us?
  • The entity that I am managing is now being downsized. I would like to lead the change in a fair and transparent way. Could I have a confidential conversation with you to explore ways forward?
  • I’m a former staff member. For months now, I’ve been trying to deal with a financial question regarding my separation entitlements. I can’t seem to find the right person to talk to. Could you help?
  • There is this situation at work, I feel it's not in line with the Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service. It doesn't feel right, but I’m not sure what to do about it. Can I speak to you about it?

Do you recognize yourself in these situations? Is your workplace issue not illustrated in the examples above? Either way, contact us to discuss your specific issue.
