
Colleague listening to another person


7 June 2018

The Secretary-General António Guterres appointed Shireen L. Dodson of the United States as the third United Nations Ombudsman. She took office in September 2018.


April 2018

James Lee assumed the functions of the United Nations Ombudsman on an interim basis.


22 June 2016

for the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services were published.


21 April 2008

John Barkat was appointed United Nations Ombudsman, to head the newly integrated Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services.


22 December 2007

A new system of administration of justice was established, and the Office of the Ombudsman was strengthened by creating a single integrated and geographically decentralized structure for ombudsman and mediation services for the Secretariat, the Funds and Programmes (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UNOPS) and UNHCR ().


28 July 2006

The Redesign Panel on the United Nations system of administration of justice made far-reaching recommendations on key processes and structures within the formal and informal justice systems ().


13 April 2005

A panel of external and independent experts, to be known subsequently as the Redesign Panel, was created to review and reshape the United Nations informal justice system ().



Patricia Durrant is appointed first United Nations Ombudsman.


15 October 2002

The Office of the Ombudsman was established (Secretary-General’s bulletin ).
