United Nations African Policy Innovation Fellowship
Background: In response to the call for action voiced in resolutions A/75/917 and A/77/644, the United Nations is poised to launch a groundbreaking initiative: the Fellowship for Young Africans at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This initiative aims to address the structural inequalities that plague Africa's development trajectory, as outlined in the reports of the Secretary-General.
Addressing the Need: Resolution A/78/16, paragraph 287, underscores the necessity of initiatives aimed at promoting youth inclusion and enhancing institutional capacities in policy analysis, design, and monitoring. The Fellowship program aligns directly with this mandate, offering young Africans unparalleled opportunities for professional growth and development. By bridging the gap between policy formulation at the global level and implementation at the national level, this program lays the foundation for sustainable development and peacebuilding in Africa.
Vision of the Fellowship: The Fellowship for Young Africans at UNHQ envisions a future where Africa's youth are not merely beneficiaries of development initiatives but active architects of change. It seeks to foster a generation of leaders who are well-versed in policy analysis and implementation and deeply committed to advancing the values of inclusivity, transparency, and accountability. Through collaborative learning, mentorship, and exposure to global best practices, the Fellowship aims to cultivate a cadre of empowered individuals who will champion sustainable development and peacebuilding efforts in their respective countries and beyond. This vision is rooted in the belief that investing in Africa's youth today sows the seeds for a more prosperous and equitable tomorrow, where every individual has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to society.
Modality of Implementation (2024-2025): The Fellowship program will operate annually, starting with an initial cohort of 10 fellows in 2025, expanding to accommodate 20 fellows in 2026. Oversight of administrative and coordination aspects will be conducted by the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA), aligning with its mandate to address the root causes of development and peace challenges on the continent. The program entails a six-month placement at UNHQ, followed by another six-month placement within an entity of the African Union Commission, offering exposure to intergovernmental processes at both international and continental levels.
At UNHQ, fellows may join OSAA's functional teams, focusing on data analysis and policy development related to OSAA¡¯s Strategic Agenda cluster areas.
Financing for Development: Address access to financing, combat illicit financial flows, enhance international tax cooperation, engage credit rating agencies, and reduce the cost of remittances.
Sustainable Development to Promote Peace: Promote inclusive and equitable institutional practices, counter conflict economies, and build cohesive, diverse societies as a driving force for peace.
Democracy, Resilience, and Human Capital: Place human capital at the center of policymaking in Africa towards resilient societies.
Science, Technology, and Innovation: Close the gap on digital literacy and the digital divide; tackle intellectual property rights to achieve leapfrog development.
Industrialization, Demographic Dividend, and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Harness the demographic dividend to stimulate industrialization through the African Continental Free Trade Area.
Energy and Climate Action: Address Africa¡¯s energy mix, climate change, green growth, energy transition, and environmental policies.
Additionally, tailored to their profiles and proposed learning objectives, fellows may be placed across various UNHQ entities, ensuring exposure to diverse areas of expertise within the United Nations system.
Furthermore, the Fellowship will forge partnerships with African Union (AU) institutions, facilitating fellows' placements for an additional six months after their UNHQ tenure. This collaborative initiative enables a comprehensive understanding of global and regional perspectives, enriching fellows' capacity development journeys and empowering them to contribute meaningfully to policy formulation and implementation at both levels. This approach promises to enhance the program's effectiveness, maximizing participants' learning opportunities.
Pending an assessment of the fellowship's efficacy in 2026, adjustments may be made to ensure optimal implementation in subsequent years.
Responsibilities of Prospective Fellows: During the program, fellows will collaborate with a specific division or office to develop a work plan focused on a key topic related to Africa¡¯s development. They will conduct research, analyze data, and assist in drafting reports on various development issues. Additionally, they will contribute to organizing events like workshops and seminars and handle administrative tasks as needed. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to contribute to supporting intergovernmental processes (as feasible) on Africa¡¯s development. Throughout their fellowship, fellows will prepare a research paper and present their findings to enhance their research skills and share insights gained during their tenure.
Expected Learning Outcomes: Throughout the Fellowship program, participants will develop and hone key skills essential for professional growth and effective contribution to socio-economic and political development initiatives in Africa.
Professionalism: Fellows will acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of socio-economic and political development issues. They will demonstrate conceptual and strategic abilities to analyze and evaluate critical matters within these domains, translating development-related data into policy-relevant analyses.