Peacebuilding Partners - The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has been steadfast in its support 每 political and financial 每 for United Nations conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The UK recognizes the Peacebuilding Architecture 每 the PBC, the PBF and the Peacebuilding Support Office, as a critical framework for how the UN can help address complex challenges of conflict and instability around the world.?
The United Kingdom has been an active member of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) since its inception in 2005, consistently supporting the PBC*s commitment to nationally-led prevention strategies and the empowerment of countries in building trust and partnerships.?
The UK has long invested in the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), with its critical role in incentivizing UN coherence and underpinning national-owned prevention strategies. As the co-chair of the Group of Friend for the Peacebuilding Fund, the UK has contributed over 250 million dollars to the Fund since its inception, including more than $41 million for the 2020-2024 PBF Strategy Period.?
A shared priority for the Fund and the UK is the support for gender-responsive approaches and the Women, Peace and Security agenda. Including women and young people in land and natural resources management, for example, can help to enable equitable and lasting solutions to conflict and instability. In Mali, the Fund is supporting two initiatives to increase access to agricultural land and participation in local conflict prevention and management. The initiatives have resulted in almost 2,500 representatives of associations, mostly young people and women, receiving certificates of customary allocation of farming lands, in areas where the lack thereof has been a source of conflict and violence.?
Women are central to the Fund*s efforts to prevent climate-induced conflicts in Papua New Guinea. On the basis of an inclusive climate risk assessment, which revealed concerning climate trends in the intensity, frequency and severity of national hazards with potential gendered impacts, including displacement and gender-based violence, IOM and UNDP provided technical support to provincial and sub-provincial governmental authorities to integrate the assessment outcomes into provincial strategic frameworks.?