
Peacebuilding Partners - New Zealand

New Zealand

New Zealand is a steadfast partner of the UN in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The Peacebuilding Fund is grateful to New Zealand for responding to the Secretary-General's call for Quantum Leap support to increase the contributions made to the Fund for advancing and sustaining peace in countries affected by or at risk of violent conflict. New Zealand has contributed over $11 million since the Fund's inception, including $9.85 million towards the Fund's 2020-24 Strategy.

One of the shared priority contexts between New Zealand and the PBF is advancing the Women, Peace and Security agenda. New Zealand recognizes the importance of putting all women and girls at the centre of conflict prevention. The contribution by New Zealand to the PBF enables the Fund to foster inclusive peacebuilding processes that elevate the role of women. For instance, in Liberia, a PBF-fund project in Bong and Montserrado counties promoted women¡¯s leadership and participation in civic and political life.

New Zealand¡¯s contribution also supports the PBF in peacebuilding efforts in regions such as the Pacific. Climate change directly jeopardizes the existence, identity, lives and assets of people in the Pacific Islands. A PBF-funded initiative helped empower low-lying atoll nations of Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands by building local, national, and regional capacity to address climate security priorities and engage in global advocacy.

Ambassador Carolyn Schwalger, New Zealand¡¯s Permanent Representative to the UN in New York said: ¡°The UN Peacebuilding Fund provides critical support for peacebuilding activities which prevent and respond to conflict and help build and sustain peace globally. New Zealand is a proud supporter of the PBF. We recognize that core to the ability for states to be resilient to recurrent conflict, is the importance of addressing the root causes, preventing escalation and ensuring there is adequate, predictable and sustainable funding for peacebuilding. We believe that the PBF must be adequately, predictably and sustainably financed. We must take the opportunity of the upcoming 2025 review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture to strengthen prevention and the role of the PBF.¡±