PBF/LKA/A-1: Support to strengthen capacities to undertake reforms to advance peacebuilding and transitional justice processes in Sri Lanka Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-252: Hidden Challenges: Addressing Sexual Bribery Experienced by Military Widows and War Widows in Sri Lanka to Enable Reslience and Sustained Peace Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-253: Creating Peaceful Societies through women's improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-255: Strengthening the role of Women and Youth as Peace Builders to improve Development in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-243: Consolidation de la Paix et demarrage du processus DDR dans la region du Pool, en Republique du Congo Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-266: Territorial model for non-repetition guarantees and citizen empowerment of youth and women victims of sexual violence and forced disappearance during the armed conflict Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-267: Promotion de la coh¨¦sion sociale entre agriculteurs et ¨¦leveurs (hommes et femmes) dans les r¨¦gions de Dosso et Maradi ¨¤ travers une approche bas¨¦e sur le genre et la diversit¨¦ Langue Undefined
PBF/IRF-287: Pr¨¦venirles conflits intercommunautaires et contribuer ¨¤ la consolidation de la paix ¨¤ travers le d¨¦veloppement d¡¯un pastoralisme r¨¦silient dans la zone transfrontali¨¨re de Diffa et du Kanem Langue Undefined