Web series: The Science-Policy Interface and Ocean Sustainability

About the series
In this three-part web-series, aquanaut Fabien Cousteau does a deep-dive into the importance of the science-policy interface for achieving ocean sustainability. Each week, Fabien will discuss a new topic with experts from around the world. Fabien is an aquanaut, oceanographic explorer and environmental advocate. He is the founder of the .
New episodes will be released on a weekly basis. Please share the video and tell us what you learnt, using hashtags #SaveOurOcean #RegularProcess or tagging @FCousteau on Twitter or Instagram.
The series is released in anticipation of the launch of the Second World Ocean Assessment (WOA II), the major output of the second cycle of the Regular Process. The series was developed by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations, in its capacity as the secretariat of the Regular Process.
Episode 3: Solutions for ocean sustainability
In this last episode, Fabien Cousteau is joined by research scientist Karen Evans and ocean engineer Grace Young to discuss the solutions for ocean sustainability.
Episode 2: Challenges facing ocean sustainability
In this second epsiode, Fabien Cousteau is joined by oceanographer and coastal science expert Lorna Inniss and fisheries biologist Jörn Schmidt to discuss the challenges facing ocean sustainability.
Episode 1: Human connection with the ocean
In this first installation of the series, Fabien Cousteau is joined by oceanographer Peter Haugan to discuss the human connection with the ocean.