On Thursday, 18 November 2021, the Counter-Terrorism Committee and the 1267/1989/2253 ISIL (Da¡¯esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee will hold a joint special meeting from 9am to 1pm at United Nations Headquarters, New York on ¡°Terrorist-financing threats and trends and the implementation of Security Council resolution 2462 (2019)¡±.
On 28 March 2019, the Security Council adopted its resolution 2462 (2019), which focuses on the prevention and suppression of terrorism financing. The resolution¡¯s adoption reflects the Council¡¯s continued determination to assist Member States in their efforts to deprive terrorists of funds, financial assets and economic resources, as well as to deny them access to the financial system and to other economic sectors that are vulnerable to terrorism financing.
Security Council resolution 2462 (2019) recalls the relevant international standards and requirements developed in the context of previous Council resolutions, the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (1999), and the related Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). It also reaffirms and strengthens the requirement set forth in resolution 1373 (2001) to suppress and prevent terrorism financing and refrain from providing support to terrorist groups. The resolution underscores the need to ensure that all Member States are in full compliance with the measures imposed by Security Council resolution 2368 (2017) regarding sanctions against ISIL (Da¡¯esh) and Al-Qaida; stresses the need for robust implementation of those measures; and urges all States to participate actively in updating the ISIL (Da¡¯esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List with information on entities and individuals involved in the financing of terrorism.
Pursuant to resolution 2462 (2019), Member States are urged to periodically assess their terrorism-financing risk; identify those sectors and financial instruments that are most vulnerable to terrorism financing in their own specific national or regional context; and take the action necessary to remedy those risks, particularly by enhancing the traceability and transparency of financial transactions.
The resolution stresses the pivotal importance of national coordination and information-sharing through, inter alia, optimized use of financial intelligence in countering terrorism, including in detecting networks of terrorists and their financiers. States are also encouraged to create public/private partnerships with financial institutions, the financial technology industry, and Internet and social media companies, in particular to monitor and address the evolution of terrorism-financing trends, sources and methods, and to work collaboratively with the non-profit sector to prevent its possible abuse for terrorism-financing purposes.
Stressing the central role of the United Nations in this area and the essential role of the FATF in setting global standards for preventing and combating terrorism financing, the resolution provides a strong framework for the United Nations to support Member States in the implementation of its provisions.
The joint special meeting will be held pursuant to paragraph 36 of resolution 2462 (2019) and discuss terrorist-financing threats and trends, as well as the measures taken to implement the provisions of the resolution. The meeting will also enable the two committees, Member States, and relevant international and regional organizations to discuss the efforts of the FATF to counter terrorism financing; and highlight coordination mechanisms relating to the technical assistance provided by the United Nations and Global Coordination Compact entities to support States¡¯ efforts in this area.
The meeting will be conducted in the six official languages of the United Nations.
The draft concept note is available here.
The draft agenda is available here.
The open meeting will be livestreamed on UN Web TV: .
Owing to the COVID-19-related restrictions on physical meetings at United Nations Headquarters, entrance to the ECOSOC Chamber will be limited to pre-registered speakers making in-person statements during the discussion session. Please register here before 16 November 2021: .
Pre-registration will be confirmed on a first-come-first-serve basis and limited the room capacity. A virtual attendance link will be provided to all other registered participants.
Questions relating to this event should be addressed to Ms. Svetlana Martynova, Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Coordinator, CTED (martynovas@un.org) and Ms. Jacqueline Shire, Expert, Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team (shire@un.org).