
UN CTED and the Global Center publish joint publication on strengthening regional cooperation to prevent and counter violent extremism in South Asia


Based on over five years of dialogue and engagement with civil society actors in South Asia, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), the , and the  have jointly produced an assessment on Strengthening regional cooperation to prevent and counter violent extremism in South Asia.

Providing an overview of regional challenges and suggestions for how these can be remedied, the assessment captures key outcomes of a multiyear project involving civil society and experts. Also included is a set of recommendations that highlight practical ways in which multilateral and regional organizations and national governments can work with various stakeholders to address this threat to the region. The project was supported by CTED, the Global Center, and the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, with generous support from the Government of Norway.

The complete report is available here.