
CTED and UN Women publish interview series on the impact of COVID-19 on gender and CVE

08 March 2021 - On the occasion of International Women¡¯s Day, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and UN Women have published an interview series with members of the Regional Experts Platform on Gender and Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism (CVE/PVE) in North Africa. The interviews explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the gendered dimensions of violent extremism and the work of researchers and civil society actors working on countering and preventing violent extremism across the region.

UN Women and CTED co-chair the Platform, which consists of experts from government, civil society and academia from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. The Platform enables experts from the region to discuss the gender dimensions of CVE/PVE and exchange related knowledge and research; to share good practices with regard to gender-sensitive approaches to CVE in North Africa; and to discuss how national CVE policies in the region can benefit from and be more effective through a gender-responsive approach.

CTED remains committed to executing its mandate in a gender-sensitive way, in line with the relevant Security Council resolutions, and to support the leadership and participation of women and women¡¯s civil society organizations in efforts to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism across the globe.

Read the interviews here:

Amel Grami, Tunisia [English] [Arabic]

Zeinab Al Lafi, Libya [English] [Arabic]

Dalal Elsayed, Egypt [English] [Arabic]

El Mostafa Rezrazi, Morocco [English] []

Find out more about the Regional Platform here: