


Friday, 27 January 2006


  • The Secretary-General is seriously concerned by the major escalation of violence in the Jebel Marra region of , particularly the heavy fighting in the Golo and Shearia areas that has forced humanitarian agencies to evacuate. He the attack by Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) forces on Golo, and calls on all parties to immediately stop all hostility.

  • He reiterates his call on the parties to the conflict in the strongest terms to respect their agreements and the provisions of international humanitarian law. A lasting solution to this conflict can only be found through a negotiated settlement.


  • The today a on Sudan. It says that efforts to improve the human rights situation there have fallen short of commitments made following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement a year ago.

  • The report points to initiatives that have been superficially and inadequately implemented, and says that in Darfur in particular, positive political measures have been overshadowed by an ineffective judiciary, an ongoing conflict, and widespread human rights abuses.

  • It calls on the Sudanese Government to work on ending the culture of impunity throughout Sudan by, among other things, adequately financing, reforming and staffing the judiciary.


  • Today is the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. This morning there was a Holocaust memorial ceremony and lecture in a full General Assembly hall.

  • The Secretary-General the large gathering with a video message. He told the gathering that there can be no reversing the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. “It must be remembered, with shame and horror, for as long as human memory continues,” he said.

  • He went on to say that remembering is a necessary rebuke to those who say the Holocaust never happened or has been exaggerated. The Secretary-General said, “Holocaust denial is the work of bigots.” “We must reject their false claims whenever, wherever and by whomever they are made.”

  • Other Speakers included Under-Secretary-General , Holocaust survivor Gerda Klein, and Professor Yehuda Bauer of the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research.

  • Earlier in the day in Zurich, the Secretary-General and Nane Annan marked the day by meeting with Auschwitz survivors, ranging from the ages of 82 to 91, as well as a group of young members affiliated with the International Auschwitz Committee.

  • In comments to the press afterwards he said in the world we live in today we should be vigilant in trying to ensure that what happened is never repeated and that the young people should heed this message.


  • The Secretary-General was in Davos earlier today where he met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to review a proposal and plan of action the Turkish Prime Minister put forward. The Secretary-General has undertaken to study that plan.

  • The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister also reviewed the outcome of the Palestinian elections. They agreed that the will of the Palestinian people expressed in the January 25 elections must be respected and that the international community must help the Israelis and Palestinians move forward.

  • Earlier today, before leaving Davos, the Secretary-General met with Goodwill Ambassador Michael Douglas. He also met with goodwill ambassador Angelina Jolie and actor Brad Pitt last night.

  • Asked about the Secretary-General’s response to the Prime Minister’s plan, the Spokesman said that the Secretary-General will study the plan, consult other key players and contact the Prime Minister to determine the next steps and how to proceed.


  • The is currently holding a formal meeting on the Great Lakes region, presided by Tanzanian Foreign Minister Asha-Rose Mtengeti-Migiro, and featuring the participation of 13 other foreign ministers, as well as other senior officials.

  • The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region, will brief the Council at today’s meeting on the Secretary-General's report on the international conference for Great Lakes region.

  • The Security Council may vote on a resolution on the Great Lakes region at the end of today’s meeting.

  • Yesterday, the Council heard a briefing on the unrest in Cote d’Ivoire from the head of the UN Mission in that country, . Schori afterward told reports that UN activities are still being carried out in the country, but called the situation on the ground “outrageous” and “inadmissible”.


  • In the course of his mission to Lebanon, Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs paid a series of calls on the country’s political leadership, including the President, Parliament Speaker, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.

  • He also had a substantive working session chaired by the Minister of Justice, Charles Rizk, which included the Prosecutor General and other senior members of the Lebanese judiciary.

  • Michel expressed his great appreciation for the positive and constructive atmosphere of all discussions. He was encouraged by the broad commitment demonstrated to move ahead in the coming days and weeks.

  • Asked how long Michel will be in Lebanon, the Spokesman said he would be there for a few more days.


  • Yesterday evening, the Secretary-General talked with the other members of the Quartet by phone on the Palestinian Legislative Council elections.

  • In a statement issued afterward, the Quartet called on all parties to respect the results of the election and the outcome of the Palestinian constitutional process so that it may unfold in an atmosphere of calm and security.

  • The Quartet reiterated its view that there is a fundamental contradiction between armed group and militia activities and the building of a democratic state. A two-state solution to the conflict requires all participants in the democratic process to renounce violence and terror, to accept Israel's right to exist, and to disarm, as outlined in the Roadmap. The full Quartet statement is available upstairs.

  • The Secretary-General and the other principal members of the Quartet will meet to discuss these matters further next Monday, in London.

  • Asked how the Quartet communicated to develop its statement, the Spokesman said that there had been a conference call, in which the statement was approved by the Quartet’s principal members.

  • Asked about comments from former US President Jimmy Carter about how money presently going to the Palestinian Authority could be spent on UN activities for the Palestinians, the Spokesman said that one of the issues the Quartet will discuss is how to find a way forward for the Israelis and the Palestinians following the elections.


  • In Uganda, the (UNHCR) has more than 1,100 Congolese refugees to two refugee settlements at a safe distance from the border with the .

  • The refugees arrived in Uganda last week after fleeing fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. UNHCR says that in total, around 20,000 Congolese crossed the border into Uganda last week.


U.N. WELCOMES FUNDING COMMITMENTS TO STOP TUBERCULOSIS: The (WHO) today the two funding commitments by the United Kingdom and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help tackle the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic. The United Kingdom Government announced that it would give $74 million to help fight TB in India and the Gates Foundation decided to triple its funding for TB to more than $900 million by 2015.

U.N. EXPRESSES CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM ON PAKISTAN’S QUAKE-HIT AREAS: After a two-day field trip to Pakistan’s earthquake-affected areas, the U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator in Pakistan, Jan Vandemoortele, said today glimmers of fresh hope and optimism were emerging among earthquake survivors and relief officials. He observed that people there were starting to think about post-relief recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. But Vandemoortele also warned against over-optimism and complacency in the relief operations.


Monday, January 30

The Secretary-General will make a short visit to The Hague, in the Netherlands, where he is set to meet the Dutch Prime Minister and attend the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Global Management Meeting. He then travels to London, where he plans to meet with the principals of the Middle East Quartet.

The Deputy Secretary-General will speak on Secretariat and management reform at informal consultations of the General Assembly.

There will be Security Council consultations this morning on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Tuesday, January 31

The Secretary-General is scheduled to co-chair in London, along with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the London Conference on Afghanistan.

In the Security Council this morning there will be formal meetings on the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG). There will also be an open briefing and consultations on the Middle East. Today is the last day of the Tanzanian Presidency.

At 1:15, the Permanent Mission of Oman is sponsoring a press conference on the World Summit on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which will be held in Muscat, Oman, in April 2007.

Wednesday, February 1

The United States assumes the rotating Presidency of the Security Council.

The Deputy Secretary-General will address the Pace Law School in White Plains on UN reform. The event will be moderated by James Traub, contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine.

Assistant-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Hédi Annabi, will be the guest at the noon briefing. He will brief on recent developments in Haiti.

At 12:45, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia will be sponsoring a press conference, entitled “Tsunami Response: A Human Rights Assessment”, with Miloon Kothari, the UN Commission on Human Rights Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, representatives from the Indian communities affected by the December 2004 tsunami, and Action Aid International.

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