Assembly Archives 2007
21 December 07 |
General Assembly: 79th plenary meeting - 1. Oceans and the law of the sea: draft resolution (A/62/L.27) [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English(Part I): 14 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language(Part I): 14 minutes]
[Webcast: - English(Part II): 2 hours and 14 minutes ] |
19 December 07 |
General Assembly: 78th plenary meeting - 1. Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political
Declaration on HIV/AIDS. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 46 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 46 minutes] |
18 December 07 |
General Assembly: 77th plenary meeting - Oceans and the law of the sea.
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 51 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 51 minutes] |
18 December 07 |
General Assembly: 76th plenary meeting - 1. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to
refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions: report of the
Third Committee (A/62/431). [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 54 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 54 minutes] |
17 December 07 |
General Assembly: 75th plenary meeting - 1. Assistance in mine action: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee). [ ...more ]
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 13 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 13 minutes] |
17 December 07 |
General Assembly: Special Event of the 62nd session of the General Assembly to commemorate the adoption of the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 59 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 59 minutes] |
17 December 07 |
General Assembly: 74th plenary meeting - 1. Culture of peace. 2. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance. 3. Report of the Economic and Social Council. 4. Sustainable development: report of the Second Committee.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 49 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 49 minutes] |
13 December 07 |
General Assembly: Commemorative High-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 30 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 30 minutes] |
13 December 07 |
General Assembly: Commemorative High-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours] |
12 December 07 |
General Assembly: Afternoon session of the commemorative High-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 6 hours]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 6 hours] |
12 December 07 |
General Assembly: Commemorative High-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children.
[List of Speakers]
[Special Message from the Secretary General: ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 55 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 55 minuets ] |
11 December 07 |
General Assembly: Evening session of high-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children.
[Webcast: - English: 6 hours ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 6 hours] |
11 December 07 |
General Assebmly: Morning session of Commemorative High-level Plenary Meeting Devoted to the Follow-up to the Outcome of the Special Session on Children (11-12 December 2007).
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 5 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 5 minutes ] |
10 December 07 |
General Assembly:Sixty-second session, plenary meeting, Question of the Palestine: draft resolution.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 17 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 17 minutes ] |
10 December 07 |
General Assembly: Sixty-second session, plenary meeting Re: oceans and the law of the sea.
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 7 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 7 minutes ] |
6 December 07 |
General Assembly:Sixty-second session, plenary meeting,f ollowup to the outcome of the Millennium: specific meeting focused on development [116].
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 1 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 1 minutes ] |
6 December 07 |
General Assembly: 62nd plenary meeting Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts: report of the Sixth Committee (A/62/446).
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hours and 7 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hours and 7 minutes] |
5 December 07 |
General Assembly: 61st plenary meeting - 1. Reduction of military budgets: report of the First Committee (A/62/381).
[Webcast: - English: 1 hours and 47 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hours and 47 minutes] |
30 November 07 |
General Assembly: 60th plenary meeting - The situation in the Middle East. (a) Reports of the Secretary-General; (b) Draft resolutions.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 36 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 36 minutes ] |
30 November 07 |
General Assembly: 59th plenary meeting - Question of Palestine. (a) Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People; (b) Report of the Secretary-General; (c) Draft resolutions.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 38 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 38 minutes ] |
29 November 07 |
General Assembly: 58th plenary meeting - Question of Palestine. (a) Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People; (b) Report of the Secretary-General; (c) Draft resolutions.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 50 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 50 minutes ] |
26 November 07 |
General Assembly: 57th plenary meeting - 1. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly. 2. Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields. 3. The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict. 4. Report of the International Criminal Court.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 38 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 38 minutes ] |
26 November 07 |
General Assembly: 56th plenary meeting - 1. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly. 2. Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields. 3. The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict. 4. Report of the International Criminal Court.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 42 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 42 minutes ] |
20 November 07 |
General Assembly: 50th meeting of Third Committee - 1. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to
refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 30 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 30 minutes ] |
20 November 07 |
General Assembly: 49th meeting of Third Committee - 1. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to
refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 34 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 34 minutes ] |
20 November 07 |
General Assembly: 55th plenary meeting - Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: reports of the Secretary-General. Assistance to survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, particularly orphans, widows and victims of sexual violence: report of the Secretary-General.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 43 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 43 minutes ] |
19 November 07 |
General Assembly: 54th plenary meeting - Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations,
including special economic assistance: reports of the SecretaryGeneral
(A/62/324, A/62/324/Corr.) and
A/62/324 /Corr.2) [71]; (a) Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of
the United Nations reports of the SecretaryGeneral
(A/62/72, A/62/83, A/62/87 and A/62/323); (b)
Special economic assistance to individual countries or regions report of the SecretaryGeneral
(A/62/310); (c ) Assistance to the Palestinian people report of the SecretaryGeneral
(A/62/82); (d)
Strengthening of international cooperation and coordination of efforts to study, mitigate and minimize
the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster report of the Secretary-General
(A/62/467; draft resolution
(A/62/L.12); Assistance to survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, particularly orphans, widows and
victims of sexual violence; report of the SecretaryGeneral
(A/62/310) [72]: joint debate
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 37 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 37 minutes ] |
19 November 07 |
General Assembly: 53rd plenary meeting - 1. Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields; follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit. [ ...more ]
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 52 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 52 minutes ] |
15 November 07 |
General Assembly: 46th meeting of Third Committee - 1. Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 12 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 2 minutes ] |
15 November 07 |
General Assembly: 45th meeting of Third Committee - 1. Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 52 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 52 minutes ] |
15 November 07 |
General Assembly: 52nd plenary meeting - 1. Integrated and coordinated implementation of
and follow-up to the outcomes of the major
United Nations conferences and summits in the
economic, social and related fields; Follow-up
to the outcome of the Millennium Summit: draft
resolution.[ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 26 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 26 minutes ] |
14 November 07 |
General Assembly: 44th meeting of Third Committee - 1. Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. 2. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 40 minutes ] |
14 November 07 |
General Assembly: 43rd meeting of Third Committee - 1. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. 2. Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and
fundamental freedoms. 3. Social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family. 4. Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and
fundamental freedoms. 5. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 40 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 40 minutes ] |
14 November 07 |
General Assembly: 51st plenary meeting - Report of the Security Council (A/62/2) [9] and Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [122]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 40 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 40 minutes ] |
13 November 07 |
General Assembly: 50th plenary meeting - Report of the Security Council (A/62/2) [9]; question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [122]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours] |
13 November 07 |
General Assembly: 49th plenary meeting - Report of the Security Council (A/62/2) [9]; question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [122]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 55 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 55 minutes] |
12 November 07 |
General Assembly: 48th plenary meeting - Report of the Security Council (A/62/2) [9]; question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [122]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 45 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 45 minutes] |
12 November 07 |
General Assembly: 47th plenary meeting - 1. Notification by the Secretary-General under Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations: note by the Secretary-General (A/62/300). 2. Report of the Security Council (A/62/2) [9]; question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters [122]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 38 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 38 minutes] |
08 November 07 |
General Assembly: 46th plenary meeting - 1. Support by the United Nations system of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies.
2. Election of eighteen members of the Economic and Social Council.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 26 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 26 minutes] |
05 November 07 |
General Assembly: 45th plenary meeting - The situation in Afghanistan.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 41 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 41 minutes] |
05 November 07 |
General Assembly: 44th plenary meeting - 1. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items : third report of the General Committee. 2. Support by the United Nations system of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies. 3. The situation in Afghanistan.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 9 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 9 minutes] |
02 November 07 |
General Assembly: Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items(a) Allocation of agenda item 10 (Report of the Peacebuilding Commission): letter from Japan (A/62/493)(b) Allocation of agenda item 65 (Report of the Human Rights Council).
[Webcast: - English 1 - 23 minutes]
[Webcast: - English 2 - 4 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 45 minutes] |
01 November 07 |
General Assembly: Afternoon session of the 42nd plenary meeting; Report of the International Court of Justice.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 13 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 13 minutes] |
01 November 07 |
General Assembly: 42nd plenary meeting; Report of the International Court of Justice.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 54 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 54 minutes] |
31 October 07 |
General Assembly: Afternoon session of the 40th plenary meeting; Sport for peace and development: report of the Secretary-General.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hours and 22 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hours and 22 minutes] |
31 October 07 |
General Assembly: 40th plenary meeting; Sport for peace and development: report of the Secretary-General.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 35 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 35 minutes] |
30 October 07 |
General Assembly: 37th plenary meeting; Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 57 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 57 minutes] |
29 October 07 |
General Assembly: Afternoon session of the 36th plenary meeting, Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 32 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 37 minutes] |
29 October 07 |
General Assembly: 36th plenary meeting, Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
[List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 55 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 55 minutes] |
25 October 07 |
General Assembly: 35th plenary meeting - High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development; Reports of the Secretary-General; Note by the Secretary-General; Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 38 minutes ] |
25 October 07 |
General Assembly: 10th meeting of Fifth Committee - Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009. Introduction of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009 by the Secretary-General.
[Webcast: - English: 54 minutes] |
24 October 07 |
General Assembly: 34th plenary meeting - High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development; Reports of the Secretary-General; Note by the Secretary-General; Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council.
[ List of Speakers]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 26 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 26 minutes ] |
24 October 07 |
General Assembly: 33rd plenary meeting - High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development; Reports of the Secretary-General; Note by the Secretary-General; Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours ] |
23 October 07 |
General Assembly: 32nd plenary meeting - High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development; Reports of the Secretary-General; Note by the Secretary-General; Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 23 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 23 minutes ] |
23 October 07 |
General Assembly: 31st plenary meeting - High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International Conference on Financing for Development; Reports of the Secretary-General; Note by the Secretary-General; Summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 47 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 47 minutes ] |
22 October 07 |
General Assembly: 30th plenary meeting - Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: second report of the General Committee (A/62/250/Add.1).
[Webcast: - English: 8 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 8 minutes ] |
19 October 07 |
General Assembly: 29th plenary meeting - New Partnership for Africa's Development:
progress in implementation and international
support; causes of conflict and the promotion of
durable peace and sustainable development in
Africa [64 (a) and (b)]: reports of the Secretary-
General (A/62/203 and A/62/204); 2001-2010:
decade to roll back malaria in developing countries,
particularly in Africa [47]: note by the Secretary-
General (A/62/321): joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 11 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 11 minutes ] |
19 October 07 |
General Assembly: General Committee - 2nd meeting - Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items. (a) Inclusion of an item (Question of the Comorian
Island of Mayotte) (A/BUR/62/1).
(b) Request for the inclusion of an additional item
submitted by the Secretary-General (A/62/231).
(c) Request for the inclusion of an additional item
submitted by Kazakhstan (A/62/232).
(d) Request for the inclusion of an additional item
submitted by Saudi Arabia (A/62/233).
(e) Request for the inclusion of an additional item
submitted by the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea and the Republic of Korea (A/62/234).
[Webcast: - English: 28 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 28 minutes ] |
18 October 07 |
General Assembly: 28th plenary meeting - New Partnership for Africa's Development: progress in implementation and
international support; causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and
sustainable development in Africa [64 (a) and (b)]: reports of the Secretary-General
(A/62/203 and A/62/204); 2001-2010; decade to roll back malaria in developing
countries, particularly in Africa [47]: note by the Secretary-General (A/62/321): joint
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 40 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 40 minutes ] |
18 October 07 |
General Assembly: 27th plenary meeting - 1. High-level dialogue for the implementation of the outcome of the International
Conference on Financing for Development: draft decision (A/62/L.3).
2. New Partnership for Africa's Development: progress in implementation and
international support; causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and
sustainable development in Africa [64 (a) and (b)]: reports of the Secretary-General
(A/62/203 and A/62/204); 2001-2010; decade to roll back malaria in developing
countries, particularly in Africa [47]: note by the Secretary-General (A/62/321): joint
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 56 minutes ]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 56 minutes ] |
16 October 07 |
General Assembly: 26th plenary meeting - Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council.
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours] |
15 October 07 |
General Assembly: 25th plenary meeting - 1. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations: report of the Fifth Committee (A/62/478). 2. Report of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
Genocide and Other Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens
Responsible for Genocide and Other Such
Violations Committed in the Territory of
Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31
December 1994: note by the Secretary-General
(A/62/284) [74]; Report of the International
Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible
for Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
the Former Yugoslavia since 1991: note by the
Secretary-General (A/62/172) [75]: joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour 59 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 59 minutes] |
10 October 07 |
General Assembly: 24th Plenary meeting - Report of the Peacebuilding Commission (A/62/137); report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund (A/62/138): joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours 33 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 33 minutes] |
10 October 07 |
General Assembly: 23rd Plenary meeting - Report of the Peacebuilding Commission (A/62/137); report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund (A/62/138): joint debate.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours 56 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 56 minutes] |
9 October 07 |
General Assembly: 22nd plenary meeting - 1. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (A/62/1). 2. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit: note by the Secretary-General (A/62/174).
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour 15 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 11 minutes] |
8 October 07 |
General Assembly: 20th plenary meeting - 1. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization. 2. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit: note by the Secretary-General.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 2 hours 39 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 39 minutes] |
8 October 07 |
General Assembly: 19th plenary meeting - High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace. 20th plenary meeting - 1. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization. 2. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit: note by the Secretary-General.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours 51 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 51 minutes] |
5 October 07 |
General Assembly: High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace (under agenda item 49 (Culture of peace)) (4-5 October 2007): reports of the Secretary-General (A/62/97 and A/62/337).
[ List of the Speakers ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 2 hours 42 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 42 minutes] |
5 October 07 |
General Assembly: High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace (under agenda item 49 (Culture of peace)) (4-5 October 2007): reports of the Secretary-General (A/62/97 and A/62/337).
[ List of the Speakers ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 3 hours 20 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 3 hours and 20 minutes] |
4 October 07 |
General Assembly: Hearings with Civil Society: Panel discussion 1 - Challenges of Interreligious and Intercultural Cooperation Today. Panel discussion 2 - Best Practices and Strategies on Interreligious and Intercultural Cooperation Going Forward.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours 31 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 31 minutes] |
4 October 07 |
General Assembly: 17th plenary meeting - High-level Dialogue on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace (under agenda item 49 (Culture of peace)) (4-5 October 2007): reports of the Secretary-General (A/62/97 and A/62/337).
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours 12 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 12 minutes] |
2 October 07
| General Assembly: Informal meeting of the plenary to observe the first "International Day of Non-Violence". Statements by the Secretary-General and others.
[ ][ Opening statement of the President of General Assembly ]
[Webcast: - English: 30 minutes] |
25 September - 3 October 07
| General Assembly: General Debate of the 62nd Session of the General Assembly.
[ Archived Videos ] |
21 September 07 |
General Assembly: 2nd plenary meeting - Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: first report of the
General Committee (A/62/250).
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 1 hour 35 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 1 hour and 35 minutes] |
21 September 07 |
General Assembly: 2nd plenary meeting - Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: first report of the
General Committee (A/62/250).
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 3 hours]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 3 hours] |
18 September 07 |
General Assembly: 1st plenary meeting of the Sixty-second session of the General Assembly - 1. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly. 2. Minute of silent prayer or meditation. 3. Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee. 4. Organization of work of the sixty-second regular session of the General Assembly: letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Conferences (A/62/338).
[Webcast: - English: 22 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 22 minutes] |
17 September 07 |
General Assembly: 109th plenary meeting - Closing of the sixty-first session of the General Assembly. Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters. [ ...more ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours] |
13 September 07 |
General Assembly: 107th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 61st session - 1. Prevention of armed conflict: draft resolution (A/61/L.68). 2. Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic: draft resolution (A/61/L.66). 3. Report of the Peacebuilding Commission: letter from the Acting Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (A/61/1035). 4. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects: report of the Ad Hoc Openended Working Group on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (A/61/1044). 5. Report of the SecretaryGeneral on the Peacebuilding Fund: letter by the SecretaryGeneral (A/61/1042). 6. Report of the of the Human Rights.
[ ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 1 hour and 28 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 1 hour and 28 minutes] |
13 September 07 |
General Assembly: 107th Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 61st session - 1. Prevention of armed conflict: draft resolution (A/61/L.68). 2. Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic: draft resolution (A/61/L.66). 3. Report of the Peacebuilding Commission: letter from the Acting Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (A/61/1035). 4. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects: report of the Ad Hoc Openended Working Group on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (A/61/1044). 5. Report of the SecretaryGeneral on the Peacebuilding Fund: letter by the SecretaryGeneral (A/61/1042). 6. Report of the of the Human Rights.
[ ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours and 54 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 54 minutes] |
2 August 07 |
General Assembly: 106th plenary meeting of the General Assembly - 1. Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions. 2. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly: draft resolution A/61/L.65.
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 39 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 39 minutes] |
2 August 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly, entitled "Climate change as a global challenge".
[ ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 41 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 41 minutes] |
1 August 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly, entitled "Climate change as a global challenge".
[ ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 3 hours and 6 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 3 hours and 6 minutes] |
1 August 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly, entitled "Climate change as a global challenge".
[ ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours and 55 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 55 minutes] |
31 July 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly, entitled "Climate change as a global challenge".
[ ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 3 hours and 16 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 3 hours and 15 minutes] |
31 July 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly, entitled "Climate change as a global challenge".
[ ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours and 53 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 53 minutes] |
24 July 07 |
General Assembly: Election of the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly at its 62nd session. Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items.
[Webcast: - English: 52 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 52 minutes] |
29 June 07 |
General Assembly: Follow-up to the outcome of the special session on children and other matters.
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 41 minutes] |
15 June 07 |
General Assembly: Culture of Peace
[Webcast: - English: 43 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 43 minutes] |
25 May 07 |
General Assembly: 1. Report of the Economic and Social Council: draft resolution (A/61/L.59). 2. Culture of peace: draft resolution (A/61/L.60).
[Webcast: - English: 14 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 14 minutes] |
24 May 07 |
General Assembly: 1. Election of the President of the General Assembly for the sixty-second session. 2. Drawing of lots by the Secretary-General to determine the Member State which will occupy the first seat in the General Assembly Hall at the sixty-second session.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 44 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 44 minutes] |
22 May 07 |
General Assembly: Election of two members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission. Election of thirty members of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. Follow-up to the outcome of the twenty-sixth special session: implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 54 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 54 minutes] |
21 May 07 |
General Assembly: Follow-up to the outcome of the twenty-sixth special session: implementation of the
Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 56 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 56 minutes] |
21 May 07 |
General Assembly: Follow-up to the outcome of the twenty-sixth special session: implementation of the
Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 52 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 52 minutes] |
17 May 07 |
General Assembly: Election of 14 members to the Human Rights Council.
[ Website ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 45 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 45 minutes] |
16 May 07 |
General Assembly: 1. Multilingualism. 2. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects: report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/61/409/Add.1). 3. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: request of the reopening of
sub-item (b) of agenda item 106: appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions: report of the Fifth Committee (A/61/562/Add.1).
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 8 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 8 minutes] |
11 May 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly entitled "Civilizations and the challenge for peace: Obstacles
and opportunities" - Panel 4: Civilizations and the challenge for global
peace and security.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 58 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 58 minutes] |
11 May 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly entitled "Civilizations and the challenge for peace: Obstacles
and opportunities" - Panel 3: The responsibility of the Media.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 8 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 8 minutes] |
10 May 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly entitled "Civilizations and the challenge for peace: Obstacles
and opportunities" - Panel 2: Religion in contemporary society.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 54 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 54 minutes] |
10 May 07 |
General Assembly: Informal thematic debate of the General Assembly entitled "Civilizations and the challenge for peace: Obstacles
and opportunities" - Panel 1: Respect for cultural diversity is a
prerequisite for dialogue.
[ Programme ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 49 minutes] |
17 April 07
| General Assembly: Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit: report of the Secretary-General (A/61/836).
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 4 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 4 minutes] |
16 April 07
| General Assembly: Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit: report of the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General presents his report, entitled "Recommendations contained in the report of the high-level panel on United Nations system-wide
coherence in the areas of development, humanitarian assistance and the
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 19 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 19 minutes] |
04 April 07
| General Assembly: 1. Joint Inspection Unit: report of the Fifth Committee. 2. Administration of justice at the United Nations: report of the Fifth Committee. 3. Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi: report of the Fifth Committee. 3. Programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007: report of the Fifth Committee. 4. Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United
Nations: report of the Fifth Committee.
[Webcast: - English: 34 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 34 minutes] |
02 April 07
| General Assembly: 1. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: report of the Fifth Committee. 2. Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste: report of the Fifth Committee.
[Webcast: - English: 21 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 21 minutes] |
28 March 07
| General Assembly: 1. Administration of justice at the United Nations: report of the Sixth Committee. 2. Requests for observer status in the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee. 3. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly: report of the Sixth Committee.
[Webcast: - English: 31 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 31 minutes] |
26 March 07
| General Assembly: Commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic
slave trade. Programme budget for the biennium 2006-2007: report of the Fifth Committee.
[Webcast: - English: 2 hours and 9 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 2 hours and 9 minutes] |
15 March 07
| General Assembly: Strengthening of the United Nations system.
[Webcast: - English: 1 hour and 21 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 1 hour and 21 minutes] |
08 March 07
| General Assembly: Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women - Debate on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
[Webcast: - English: 57 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 57 minutes] |
07 March 07
| General Assembly: Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women - Panel discussions on empowerment of women, including microfinance.
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 2 hours and 7 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 7 minutes] |
07 March 07
| General Assembly: Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women - Panel discussions on empowerment of women, including microfinance.
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours and 42 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 42 minutes] |
06 March 07
| General Assembly: Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women - Panel discussions on women in decision-making.
[Webcast: - English: 3 hours and 2 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 3 hours and 2 minutes] |
06 March 07
| General Assembly: Informal Thematic Debate of the General Assembly on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 3 hours and 6 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 3 hours and 6 minutes] |
16 February 07
| General Assembly: Follow-up to the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, including the launch of an Online Counter-Terrorism Handbook. Briefing by the Secretary-General and the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force.
[Webcast: - English: 40 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 40 minutes] |
06 February 07
| General Assembly: Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [47]: Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit [113]; United Nations reform: measures and proposals [149]: progress achieved in the work of the Peacebuilding Commission.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - PM Session English: 2 hours and 29 minutes]
[Webcast: - PM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 29 minutes] |
06 February 07
| General Assembly: Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields [47]: Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit [113]; United Nations reform: measures and proposals [149]: progress achieved in the work of the Peacebuilding Commission.
[ List of Speakers ]
[Webcast: - AM Session English: 2 hours and 52 minutes]
[Webcast: - AM Session Original Language: 2 hours and 52 minutes] |
26 January 07
| General Assembly: Culture of peace.
[Webcast: - English: 50 minutes]
[Webcast: - Original Language: 50 minutes] |