
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women

46th Session , 4 - 15 March 2002

PANEL I - Eradicating poverty, including through the empowerment of women throughout their life cycle in globalizing world
6 March 2002
Government/Intergovernment Nominees UN System Civil Society/ SG Experts

Ms. Su GUOXIA, China
Deputy Chief

Policy Study Division, Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council

She has been working on poverty alleviation for more than 10 years, visiting over 100 poor counties in China. She worked as a training specialist in the National Training Centre for the officials in the Underdevelopment Areas (1991-97). She has worked on several projects, inter alia, on gender and microfinance issues

Principal Adviser and Group Leader for Social Development Group, Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP

Works on poverty concepts and measurement, gender, public budgeting, user fees for public services.

Written Statement ]
(in English)

Mr. Savitri BISNATH, Trinidad and Tobago
Doctoral Candidate at Cornell University

Works with Dr.L.Beneria.Worked as a consultant to UNIFEM on the issues of globalization, gender and developement. The author of numerous publications.

She was selected as an expert for the DAW's Expert Group Meeting on poverty in India.

At present, she is working on the issues of international trade, gender and development.

Written Statement ]
(in English)

Mme. Gaudence RWAMAHEKE, Burundi
Directeur General, Ministere de l'Action Sociale et la Promotion de la Femme

She works on gender and development issues as well as in welfare protection issues. She is a member of the project on Community Development and Fight against Poverty. She has participated in many regional, sub-regional and international meetings on the intergation of women in development and on the implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platformsm for Action. She is a member of the committee on the Multisectoral Programme against HIV/AIDS

Written Statement ]
(in French)


Division for the Advancement of Women -- DAW

Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations