
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women

"Empowerment of Women through the life cycle as a transformative strategy for poverty eradication"

Expert Group Meeting
New Delhi, India
26-29 November 2001

At its forty-sixth session, in March 2002, the Commission on the Status of Women () will consider the thematic issue "Eradicating poverty, including through the empowerment of women throughout their life cycle in a globalizing world".

In order to assist the Commission in its work, the Division for the Advancement of Women () convened an expert group meeting on the theme "Empowerment of women throughout the life cycle as a transformative strategy for poverty eradication", which was hosted by the Government of India in New Delhi, from 26 to 29 November 2001. The experts focused on policies and programmes for women that promote their empowerment within the context of globalization.

The findings and conclusions of the meeting provided basis for the preparation of the Secretary-General's Report to be submitted to the forthcoming session of the Commission on the Status of Women in March 2002.


Message from
Ms. Angela E.V. King

Assistant Secretary General
Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, United Nations

Discussion papers

Final Report 53 pages]
Photo Gallery
(Coming Soon)

Division for the Advancement of Women -- DAW

Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations