
Expert Group Meeting on "The HIV/AIDS Pandemic and its Gender Implications"

Windhoek, Namibia

13-17 November 2000



Prof. Peter J. Aggleton (United Kingdom)

Professor in Education with 20 years of experience as a consultant, project director, and project coordinator in international health promotion and social-behavioural research; author and editor of over thirty books and two hundred articles on the social aspects of HIV/AIDS and HIV; Chief of the Social and Behavioural Studies and Support Unit for the WHO Global Programme on AIDS from 1992 to 1994; consultant and advisor to UNAIDS, UNDP, UNICEF and WHO; currently Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London.

Dr.Catherine Albertyn (South Africa)

Associate Professor; Head of the Gender Research Project of the Centre for Applied Legal Studies; specialist in women, the law and human rights; carried out research work for AIDS Legal Network; carried out research and composed a discussion paper on the role of the law in reducing women’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS for "Putting Third First", at the satellite conference of the AIDS legal network in Durban, July 2000.

Dr. Geeta Rao Gupta (India)

President of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) since 1996; expert on: Women in Development, Reproductive Health, Women and AIDS, Qualitative Research, Family Formation and Structure; member of the Sexual Behavioral Working Group of the HIV Prevention Trials Network; Co-chairperson of the Track D, Scientific Planning Committee at the XIII World Aids Conference, Durban; Member of the Board of Directors of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI).

Ms. Ngozi Patricia Iwere (Nigeria)

Founder and Project Director of the Community Life Project, which developed a sustainable and replicable model of community-level health interventions using multiple channels of communications; Coordinator of the Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP); Chairperson of the National Working Group "Africa Alive", an 8-country network for HIV/AIDS prevention among youth.

Dr. Ulf T. Kristoffersson (Sweden)

Currently Humanitarian Coordinator in UNAIDS; former Representative and

Head of large operations in Asia and Africa for UNICEF and UNHCR. Vast UN experience in the field; headed the Emergency Operations of UNICEF; was Deputy Director Africa Bureau UNHCR.

Dr. Sam Lesley Jennifer Page (United Kingdom)

Interim Coordinator in AfFORest, the African Farmers’ Organic Research and Training, Zimbabwe; carried out research in pest management, indigenous knowledge, food security, HIV/AIDS and small holder agriculture; extensive work experience in the governmental and non governmental sectors; author of numerous reports, scientific articles and publications.

Dr. Sharifah Shahabudin (Malaysia)

Professor of Medical Education; Director of the Centre of Academic Development; Founder Deputy President of the Malaysian AIDS Council; Co-chairperson and Rapporteur General at the 1999 fifth International Conference on AIDS in Asia-Pacific; Deputy President of the National Council of Women’s Organization (NCWO) since 1991; member of the National Council for the Integration of Women in Development (NACIWID).

Ms. Beatrice Were (Uganda)

Coordinator of the National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS; member of several organizations specializing on HIV/AIDS such as: the Society for Women and Aids in Africa, the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GNP), the National Task Force of Women and AIDS; liaison officer of the PWA Subcommittee at the IX International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa (ICASA) in 1995.

Mr. Baurzhan Zhusupov (Kazakhstan)

Expert of the Prime Minister Cabinet and UNDP/UNAIDS where he developed a strategic plan on HIV/AIDS prevention for the Government of Kazakhstan; Director of the Public Opinion Research Center; participant of different United Nations Conferences and seminars on HIV/AIDS; Public Health Programs Committee expert at the Soros Foundation; researcher on HIV/AIDS related issues.