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Africa Books

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Africa Books

Africa Renewal
From Africa Renewal: 

Quelles alternatives pour l’Afrique? by Momar Sokhna Diop (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2008; 182 pp; €18)

Smart Aid for African Development by Richard Joseph and Alexandra Gillies (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, USA, 2008; 306 pp; hb $59.95, pb $24.50)

The Trouble with Aid: Why Less Could Mean More for Africa by Jonathan Glennie (Zed Books, London, UK, 2007; 192 pp; hb £40, pb £12.99)

L’Afrique au secours de l’Afrique by Sanou Mbaye (Editions de l’Atelier, Paris, France, 2009; 159 pp; €14.90)

Un autre monde à Nairobi: Le Forum social mondial 2007 entre extraversions et causes africaines, eds. Marie-Emmanuelle Pommerolle and Johanna Simeant (Karthala, Paris, France, 2008; 276 pp; €22)

Can We Afford the Future? The Economics of a Warming World by Frank Ackerman (Zed Books, London, UK, 2008; 160 pp; hb £55, pb £12.99)

Kenya’s Quest for Democracy: Taming Leviathan by Makau Mutua (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, CO, USA, 2008; 331 pp; hb $65)

Diamonds, Dispossession and Democracy in Botswana by Kenneth Good (James Currey, Oxford, UK, 2008; 192 pp; £12.95, $27.95)

L’innovation pour le développement by Blandine Laperche (Karthala, Paris, France, 2008; 252 pp; €26)

Innovation Africa: Enriching Farmers’ Livelihoods, eds. Pascal C. Sanginga, Ann Waters-Bayer, Susan Kaaria, Jemimah Njuki and Chesha Wettasinha (Earthscan, London, UK, 2008; 384 pp; pb £29.95, hb £85.00)

Political Islam in West Africa: State-Society Relations Transformed, ed. William F.S. Miles (Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO, USA, 2007; 221 pp; hb $52.50)

Reconstructing the Third Wave of Democracy: Comparative African Democratic Politics by Rita Kiki Edozie (University Press of America, Lanham, MD, USA, 2009; 220 pp; pb $32, hb $62)

Do Bicycles Equal Development in Mozambique? by Joseph Hanlon and Teresa Smart (James Currey, Oxford, UK, 2008; 256 pp; hb £45, $90)

Le génocide voilé: Enquête historique by Tidiane N’Diaye (Gallimard, Paris, France, 2008; 253 pp; €21.50)

Signal and Noise: Media, Infrastructure, and Urban Culture in Nigeria by Brian Larkin (Duke University Press, Durham, NC, USA, 2008; 313 pp; pb $23.95, hb $84.95)

Lomé: Dynamiques d’une ville africaine, eds. Ph.Gervais-Lambony and G.K. Nyassogbo (Karthala, Paris, France, 2008; 336 pp; €25)

International Water Security: Domestic Threats and Opportunities by Nevelina I. Pachova, Mikiyasu Nakayama and Libor Jansky (United Nations University Press, Tokyo, Japan, 2008; 308 pp; pb $35)

Living with Bad Surroundings: War, History, and Everyday Moments in Northern Uganda by Sverker Finnström (Duke University Press, Durham, NC, USA, 2008; 304 pp; pb $22.95)

Le modèle de développement Ivoirien: Mirage ou utopie partagée? by Georges B. Toualy (L’Harmattan, Paris, France, 2008; 214 pp; €20.50, FF134)

Nigeria’s Stumbling Democracy and Its Implications for Africa’s Democratic Movement by Victor Oguejiofor Okafor (Praeger Security International, CT, USA, 2008; 208 pp; hb $75)

Raila Odinga: An Enigma in Kenyan Politics by Babafemi Badejo (Yintab Books, Lagos, Nigeria, 2006; 384 pp ; pb £24.95)

Sustainable Investing: The Art of Long-Term Performance by Cary Krosinsky and Nick Robins (Earthscan, London, UK, 2008; 272 pp; hb £19.99)

African Women’s Unique Vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS: Communication Perspectives and Promises by Linda K. Fuller (Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK, 2008; 328 pp; hb $89.95)
