One year after the signing of a peace deal in the Central African Republic(CAR),State authorityis being extended throughoutthe country, violence against civilians has decreased,and aninclusive Government remains in place, the UN Security Council heard on Thursday.
Ambassadors were briefed by, UN Special Representative for the country, who presented the latestof the Secretary-General focusing on progress and challenges since the authorities and 14 armed groupssigned thePolitical Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation last February in thecapital, Bangui.
Itwas negotiated under the auspices of the African Union (AU), whichhadbrought the sides together for 10 days of talks in Khartoum.
“Progress has also been made in establishingspecial joint security units,as provided for by the peace agreement,”said Mr.Ndiaye,before listing further achievementsincluding indemobilization,fightingimpunity andpromotingtransitional justice.
Path to peace‘fraught with pitfalls’
The peace deal is the latest attempt to stem a crisis which began in 2012 afterfighting betweenthe mostlyChristiananti-Balaka militia and amainly Muslim rebel coalitionknown asSélékakilled thousands.
But as Mr.Ndiayetold the Council, a peace agreement is not yet peace. “It is a step forward, a long process, which is sometimesfraught with pitfalls.”
Although signatories have reaffirmed their commitment to theagreement,violations continue, including illegal tax collections and attempts to expand territorial influence.
Despite improved overall security, pockets of instability remain, with clashes between armed groups in the north-eastthreatening civilians and humanitarian workers.

Mr.Ndiayeinformed the Councilof mediation efforts currently underway bythe UNintegratedmissionin the country,,following attempts byone group,known as the ‘Rebirth’ orthe FPRC, to invade the village ofBirao, capital ofVakagaprovince.
The FPRC had also issued a call for violence against theUNmissioninNdele,another northeastern town,rallying local people to invade its camp.
“This is particularly unacceptable because it is using women and children as human shieldsto besiege the MINUSCA camp and to obstruct its operations,” he said.
AU Special RepresentativeMatiasBertinoMatondowas alsoconcerned aboutthe security situation.
“The majority ofthe armed groups have not yet laid down their arms and continue to exploit natural resources to the detriment of the state,” he said, speaking via videoconference fromKhartoum.
Elections mark importantturning point
Thepeace dealanniversary aside,Mr.Ndiayesaid2020represents “animportant turning point” as theCARwill holdpresidential and legislativeelectionsstartingin December.
The return from exile of former PresidentsFrançoisBozizéandMichelDjotodiahas been among the “new political dynamics” emerging in the run-up.
“Both of them…want to contribute, and this is something we can welcome,” said Mr. Ndiaye, who also commended the “spirit of openness” expressed by current PresidentFaustin-ArchangeTouadéra.
The UN DevelopmentProgramme() estimates the election will cost nearly $42 million,according to Ambassador OmarHilalefrom the UN Peacebuilding Commission.
Reiteratingapoint made by Mr.Ndiaye, he saidthe processmust be inclusive,with women, youth, displaced people and refugees taking part.
Ambassador Olaf Skoog,European Union representative, underlinedsupportto the CAR. Theregionalblocwill foot nearlyhalf the cost of thevoteandalsoplans to deploy electoral experts.
“Elections are essential to consolidate democracy and democratic institutions in the CAR,”he said. “Postponement is not an option. They must take place.”