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With peace restored, Burundi president says poverty is the remaining threat

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With peace restored, Burundi president says poverty is the remaining threat

UN News
23 September 2021
UN Photo/Loey Felipe
President Evariste Ndayishimiye of Burundi addresses the general debate of the UN General Assembly’s 76th session.

ThePresident of Burundi saidonThursday that, 60 years after the country’s independence,“the restoration of peace, security, stability and social cohesion are a reality”inthe African nation.

“The only enemy that remains a threat to citizens, in addition to theCOVID-19pandemic,which is common to all of us, is poverty,”EvaristeNdayishimiyedeclared.

The Head of Statewas speaking at UN Headquarterson the third dayof thehigh-level week of the General Assembly.After being held virtually last year, this year’s gathering features“hybrid” activities that include leaders in person along with virtual participants.

The Burundian leadernotedthathis countrycelebrates,in 2021, six decadesofindependence and membership in the United Nations.

“It is,therefore,a moment to remember that the United Nations played a big role because since the end of the First World War, Burundi was managed under the mandate of the League of Nations and then of the United Nations,” he said.

A moment for hope

Pointing tothe theme ofthis year’sdebate,APresidency of Hope,he saidit has special meaning for Burundians.

“Not only in the face of the devastating effects of theCOVID-19pandemic, but also the consequences of these repetitive crises that have been perpetrated in the country with complete impunity,”he explained.

Toovercomethese difficulties,he said hisGovernmentidentifieda number ofpriorities in theNational Development Plan of Burundi, PND 2018-2027. He calledthe initiative“an ambitious and transformative program that can accelerate the process of socio-economic development.”

President Evariste Ndayishimiye of Burundi addresses the general debate of the UN General Assembly’s 76th session.

On the issue ofgood governance and social justice, hesaid“the fight against corruption, economic embezzlement and the fight against impunity are among the priorities of the Government.”

Turning topeace and security, he said itis“undeniable” that international community has had some successesfightingterrorism, but itmust recognize thatitis “far from having developed a common, adequate and effective strategy to annihilate this scourge.”

“Beyond the necessary military action, the effective fight against terrorismincludesafightagainst radicalization,which is rooted in ignorance, poverty, youth unemployment and illiteracy,” he argued.

He added that hisGovernmentisconcerned about the proliferation of terrorism in the region, including in the eastern region of the DemocraticRepublic ofCongo(DRC), where extremist groups “recruit unemployed young people who blindlykillpeaceful and innocent citizens.”

“I remain convinced that these groups pose a threat not only to our region but to all humanity”, he said.

It is in this context that,since 2007, Burundi has made military and police contingents available to the United Nations and the African Union,he informed.These officers continue to servein countriessuch as Somalia and the Central African Republic.

Human rights issues

Mr.Ndayishimiyealso made a note aboutthe,sayingof that body’s work that“any tendency to single out Burundi by attaching special human rights mechanisms to it is simply counterproductive.”

“In practice, the Government has focused on the protection of human rights, respect for democratic principles, freedoms of opinion, expression and the press,” he guaranteed.“Alot of effort has been made thanks to the establishment of an almost permanent dialogue between political parties, the media and the public authorities.”

He alsonoted thathis country welcomes refugees and Burundians who return to their country.Heexplainedthat, sinceJuly 2020, more than 75,000 refugees returned voluntarily, addingto more than 50,000 who returnedwithout going through specialized UN agencies.

“With peace and security restored, Burundian refugees, including political actors, are returningoverwhelmingly and are greeted with love and dignity,” he assured.

Lastly, he welcomed the “historic decision”of theSecurity Counciland the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to remove Burundi from their political agendas in recognition of the return of peace.