A limited number of side events may be held at lunch time (1:15-2:30pm) during the first session of the Preparatory Commission (14 - 25 April 2025). Requests for side events will be accepted until 5 March 2025.
Such requests must be made by filling out the , with an indication of the title, brief description, organizing institution(s) and preferred dates for the event.
Organizing institutions and/or sponsors of side event(s) are responsible for the payment of relevant costs associated with the use of equipment and services for the side event.
The Division may not be able to accommodate all requests for side events or preferred dates. It therefore reserves the right to suggest the organization of joint side events, should competing requests be received for the same day or for similar topics. Should the number of requests exceed the number of available days, the Division will exercise its discretion in selecting side events with a view to ensuring variety in the topics covered by the side events and affording an opportunity to all stakeholders to organize such events.
Information on side events selection and next steps will be communicated to event organizers by 17 March 2025.
Questions regarding side events may be addressed to doalos@un.org, using the subject line “BBNJ PrepCom I side events”.