
Second Train-the-Trainers Workshop on Vulnerable Targets in Togo

The UNOCT Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets held a second train-the-trainers workshop in Lom谷, from 23 to 25 of May 2023. 

Based on the results of its first iteration held in October 2022, this workshop aimed at presenting the modules that will be part of Togo's training curriculum on the protection of vulnerable targets and further strengthening the capacities of Togolese trainers and managers specialized in this field. 

The curriculum and its modules are meant to provide a clear blueprint for Togolese trainers of vulnerable targets protection, from all relevant ministries and entities, with the ultimate objective of multiplying the number of national officials with strong capacities to effectively prevent, protect, mitigate, investigate, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks against critical infrastructure and public places (or ※soft§ targets). 

Close to 30 participants from 12 ministries and entities participated in this capacity-building activity. These included instructors from the United States as well as UNOCT (Programmes on Vulnerable Targets, Threat Assessment Models for Aviation Security, Autonomous and Remotely Operated Systems, and the Human Rights and Gender Section), the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and the African Centre for the Study & Research on Terrorism of the African Union (ACSRT). 

The workshop introduced participants to the modules that were developed since the previous workshop, focusing not only on the substance but also methodology and pedagogical tools to teach them. The training included practical exercises and in-depth discussions on the risk and threat assessments of critical infrastructures, protection of transportation hubs, the threat of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons.


Timeline of the cooperation between Togo & the UNOCT Global Programme on Countering Terrorist Threats against Vulnerable Targets

  • Initial engagement based on broader counter-terrorism cooperation and CTED recommendations, beginning of 2022
  • First stage of the assistance: further to a number of coordination meetings, in-depth consultations were held in Lom谷, in April 2022 
  • Second stage of the assistance:  as a result of the consultations mentioned above, the Programme supported the development of Togo*s National Action Plan (or ※Roadmap§) on the Protection of Vulnerable Targets 
  • Third stage of the assistance: the Programme delivered three tailored capacity-building activities to support the implementation of the roadmap for over 100 Togolese officials from relevant Ministries and agencies, in workshops, train-the trainers and study-tour formats in June, October and November 2022.