
Dedication Ceremony for United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree

※The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism has never lost sight of the situation of the victims; of their needs, and of their rights... we will continue to place victims at the heart of our counter-terrorism efforts.§

Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov, at the tree planting and ceremony dedicated to victims and survivors of terrorism across the globe.

USG Voronkov at the tree planting ceremonyThe Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree symbolizes victims* resilience and aims to strengthen the resolve of the international community to support victims through a permanent symbol of remembrance erected on the grounds of the United Nations Headquarters. It offers a space for quiet and dedicated contemplation on the impact of terrorism on victims and survivors of terrorism, their families, and their communities.

The dedication ceremony of the United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree was held on the margins of the Third High-Level Counter-Terrorism (CT Week). The event was organized by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) in collaboration with the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism, a forum of 37 UN Member States and two regional organizations that seeks to promote and protect victims* rights and advocates for their diverse needs. Over 70 Member States representatives, partners, victims and survivors of terrorism joined Under-Secretary-General Voronkov for the tree planting ceremony in the gardens at UN Headquarters.


H.E Mr. Qassim al-Araji, National Security Advisor of Iraq unveiled the dedication plaque for the Solidarity Tree. The Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar H.E. Ms. Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. Abdulaziz M. Al-Wasil, also delivered remarks at the ceremony.

The solemn and intimate ceremony concluded with the heads of each delegation laying white roses at the foot of the tree, as a symbol of peace, unity, and remembrance.


Remembrance, commemoration, and memorialization have long been essential to standing in solidarity with and recognizing victims of terrorism. The United Nations recognized the importance of these principles by establishing the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism through General Assembly resolution , commemorated every year on 21 August.

For more information, visit:

Victims of Terrorism Support Programme  |  

Ms. Sara Tumulty, a young woman who lost her father at the age of three in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center stated ※the dedication of this Solidarity Tree unifies all of our voices and acknowledges our diverse experiences and our shared pain§.&紳莉莽梯;

Mr. Karambir Singh Kang, a survivor of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel attacks in Mumbai in November 2008, that killed his wife and two sons said ※I truly believe that with solidarity and unity we are no longer victims and become stronger together to face any adversity§.
Ms. Fatma Zohra Kheddar shared her written statement in which she noted that ※the roots of this tree buried deep in the ground will evoke the memory of our dearly departed, and stand through the years as a symbol of the international community*s recognition of the key importance of memorialization for the recovery and healing of survivors§.
At the ceremony, Ms. Ana Jim谷nez de la Hoz, Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations delivered a statement on behalf of the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism which Spain cochairs with Iraq. ※This tree represents the resilience, strength, and hope that people show in the face of adversity. It is a beacon of light that illuminates the way to a brighter future where terrorism is eradicated, and peace prevails§ she said.

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Picture of Dedication Ceremony for United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree
Picture of Dedication Ceremony for United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree
Picture of Dedication Ceremony for United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree
Picture of Dedication Ceremony for United Nations Victims of Terrorism Solidarity Tree