Semaine de la lutte contre le terrorisme 2020

La deuxi¨¨me Conf¨¦rence de haut niveau des Nations Unies r¨¦unissant les chefs d¡¯organismes antiterroristes des ?tats Membres devait se tenir du 29 juin au 3 juillet 2020 au Si¨¨ge de l¡¯Organisation des Nations Unies ¨¤ New York.
La conf¨¦rence s¡¯inscrira dans le cadre de la deuxi¨¨me Semaine de la lutte contre le terrorisme, lors de laquelle ¨¦taient planifi¨¦s?le septi¨¨me examen biennal de la Strat¨¦gie antiterroriste mondiale des Nations Unies, ainsi que le tout premier Congr¨¨s mondial des victimes du terrorisme.
En raison de la crise du COVID-19 et suite ¨¤ la d¨¦cision de l'Assembl¨¦e g¨¦n¨¦rale de reporter l'examen de la Strat¨¦gie antiterroriste mondiale des Nations Unies ¨¤ sa 75e session, toute la Semaine de la lutte contre le terrorisme 2020 est report¨¦e.
Renforcement de la r¨¦silience institutionnelle et sociale face au terrorisme
La Semaine de la lutte contre le terrorisme?sera organis¨¦e en ligne du 6 au 10 juillet 2020 et plac¨¦e sous le th¨¨me du ? Renforcement de la r¨¦silience institutionnelle et sociale face au terrorisme ?.
The event will be launched on Monday 6 July 2020 at 10:00 am (New York time) with an opening two-hour high-level session titled ¡°Post COVID-19 World: Contours and Pivot Points and Benefits of Multilateral Collaboration.¡±
Thereafter, the Week will include nine additional webinars and interactive discussions focusing on priorities such as bio and cyber terrorism, high-risk threats and trends, addressing the plight of victims of terrorism, flagship UN counter-terrorism programmes, human rights and counter-terrorism, countering the financing of terrorism, youth-led initiatives to build resilient societies, and civil society and media perspectives to prevent violent extremism, among others.?
The event will provide an opportunity to bring Member States, United Nations entities, thought leaders, civil society representatives and other stakeholders together to exchange views, through strategic and expert-level online events, on what the new circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic mean for the counter-terrorism landscape.
The Opening, UNCCT Expo Launch and Closing sessions?will be webcast live on:?
The full programme is also available?here.
Conference sessions?
The?2020?Virtual Counter-Terrorism?Week?will consist of?ten (10)?webinars and interactive discussions, including:?
Date | Session |
Monday, 06 July |
The Opening Session?? Webcast live on:? Key Note Address:
Distinguished Speakers:?
Monday, 6 July 12:30 PM ¨C 2 PM?? |
Interactive Discussion I |
Tuesday, 7 July 9 AM ¨C 11 AM |
Webinar II |
Tuesday, 7 July 11:30 AM ¨C 12:15 PM? |
UNCCT Virtual Expo Launch??. Distinguished Speakers:?
? Watch the Explore the Virtual Expo |
Wednesday, 8 July 9 AM ¨C 11 AM? |
Webinar III |
Wednesday, 8 July 11:30 AM ¨C 1 PM |
Interactive Discussion III? |
Thursday, 9 July 9 AM ¨C 11 AM? |
Webinar IV? |
Thursday, 9 July 11:30 AM ¨C 1 PM |
Interactive Discussion IV? |
Friday, 10 July 9 AM ¨C 11 AM? |
Webinar V? |
Friday, 10 July 11:30 AM ¨C 1:30 PM? |
The Closing Session? Moderator:
Speakers: ?
? |