
Countering the use of Cryptocurrencies to Finance Terrorism in Morocco

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Rabat, 3 December 2021 每 The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) concluded a Conference on ※Countering the use of Cryptocurrencies to Finance Terrorism§. The event took place from 2 to 3 December 2021 at the UNOCT Programme Office for Counter-Terrorism in Rabat, which was established in June 2021, as a regional training hub for Counter-Terrorism Training in Africa. 

Mr. Jehangir Khan, Director of the UNOCT-UNCCT opened the event by emphasizing the need for cooperation and information exchange to prevent the potential use of cryptocurrencies to finance terrorism. The Conference was a combined policy awareness-raising and capacity-building event that opened with a session including dignitaries from Rabat embassies, before proceeding with delivery of training from academia, public- and private sector to 50 delegates from Moroccan law enforcement, judiciary and financial intelligence. This was the first full-scale in-person event at new Rabat Office.

The Conference helped raise awareness on efforts to counter and prevent the use of cryptocurrencies to finance terrorism, including by offering perspectives on analysis and financial intelligence exchange, all in a way that is fully compliant with international human rights standards. 

The discussions also enhanced understanding on investigating crimes related to cryptocurrencies, and the role of security and justice agencies in reducing risks of terrorism financing.

The Conference was part of a wider collaboration venture between UNOCT and Morocco on the topic of Countering the Financing of Terrorism. 


The latest review resolution of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (GCTS), adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2021 expressed concern over the potential use of new and emerging technologies including virtual assets for terrorist purposes. The resolution therefore called upon all Member States to consider additional measures to counter the use of such technologies for terrorist purposes while strengthening international cooperation to prevent and combat terrorism.

This led UNCCT to consider addressing cryptocurrencies as an emerging technology that requires attention and awareness. Therefore, the UNCCT Global Programme on Cybersecurity and New Technologies and the Global Programme on Detecting, Preventing and Countering the Financing of Terrorism include cryptocurrencies and their management as a key priority. Both programmes are part of the Countering Terrorism Section in UNOCT-UNCCT, based on the priorities set forth by Pillar II of the GCTS.