Building More Effective and Resilient Law Enforcement Responses to New Technologies in Countering Terrorism: The CT TECH Initiative

The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) hosted a side-event entitled Building More Effective and Resilient Law Enforcement Responses to New Technologies in Countering Terrorism: The CT TECH initiative on the margins of the Counter-Terrorism Week to launch six new publications on countering the use of new technologies for terrorist purposes. The event was co-organized with INTERPOL and the European Union (EU), in collaboration with Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED).
The side-event was attended by over 114 representatives from Member States, international and regional organizations, Global Counter-Terrorism Compact entities, civil society, academia, and the private sector. The experts discussed knowledge-based approaches to counter the terrorist use of new technologies while respecting human rights and the rule of law.
The CT TECH initiative was launched in 2022 as a joint UNOCT/UNCCT and INTERPOL undertaking, implemented under UNOCT/UNCCT Global Counter-Terrorism Programme on Cybersecurity and New Technologies and funded by the European Union. It aims to strengthen the capacities of law enforcement and criminal justice authorities to counter the exploitation of new and emerging technologies for terrorist purposes, as well as support the leveraging of new and emerging technologies in the fight against terrorism.
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