
Programme 5-Year Event

''CT Travel was designed to not only detect terrorsit travel, but also to improve the use of international databases relating to known and suspected terrorists and to enhance information exchange. We take pride in the fact that the success of the Programme is recognized both by independent evaluators, and by the beneficiaries and strategic partners who are present here today.''

Mr. Mauro Miedico, Officer-in-Charge, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism | 19 July 2024

Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Launch of the Programme

On 19 July 2024, the  and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary jointly hosted an event in Budapest to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the CT Travel Programme.

The forum gathered more than 100 representatives from CT Travel beneficiary nations, implementing entities, and funding partners for a discussion of the Programme's achievements, and ways to strengthen counter-terrorism partnerships at the national, regional, and global levels.

The forum provided an opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate the successful ¡®One-UN¡¯ approach of the CT Travel Programme and its key achievements in the five years since its launch by UN SecretaryGeneral Ant¨®nio Guterres on 7 May 2019. It also sought to acknowledge and appreciate the coordinated efforts of Programme partners, namely the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED), the , the , the , the  and the , the Programme, whose commitment and expertise have enabled the development of a highly successful and effective multilateral approach to capacity-building.

Coinciding with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union from July to December 2024 under which international cooperation, including within global counter-terrorism efforts, is a key focus, the forum also sought to recognize the value of strong, effective partnerships, such as the strategic partnership established between UNOCT and the Government of Hungary, as well as the support of the international community in contributing to and enabling the success of the Programme.

Since its launch by United Nations Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres in 2019, CT Travel has supported more than 75 Member States in building national detection capabilities using passenger data, Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data and other travel information to detect the movement of terrorists and counter transnational organized crime, in line with United Nations Security Council resolutions  (2014),  (2017), and  (2019), international standards and human rights principles.

These achievements have been possible thanks to support from the European Union, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the State of Qatar, Germany, Australia, the United States of America, the Republic of India, Japan, Hungary, and the Republic of Korea.