When fertility begins to decline from elevated levels, the population distribution by age changes. Initially, the reduction in fertility leads to an increase in the relative size of the population at working ages, creating a favourable age distribution that may help to accelerate economic growth per capita, resulting in a “demographic dividend”. Subsequently, this transformation will lead to an increasing concentration of the population at older ages, known as “population ageing”. Changes in the age distribution have major implications for labour markets, households, social protection, education and health care, and should be factored into strategies for implementing the . The Population Division monitors levels and trends in the population age distribution and analyses their socio-economic implications, including for the living arrangements of older persons. The Division produces World Population Ageing on a regular basis.
Data and facts
- Government policies to address population ageing, Population Factsheet No. 2020/1
- Household Size and Composition 2019, Dataset
- Living Arrangements of Older Persons 2019, Dataset
- Living arrangements of older persons around the world, Population Facts No. 2019/2
- Household Size and Composition Around the World 2017, Data Booklet
- Household size and composition around the world, Population Facts No. 2017/2
- Population ageing and sustainable development, Population Facts No. 2017/1
- Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing population of older persons, Population Facts No. 2016/1
- Life expectancy and mortality at older ages, Population Facts No. 2013/8
- Policy brief: On the path to an older population: maximizing the benefits from the demographic dividend in the least developed countries, 2024
- World Population Ageing 2023: Challenges and opportunities of population ageing in the least developed countries
- United Nations Database on Older Persons Living in Collective Living Arrangements. Technical paper No. UN DESA/POP/2023/TP/No.8
- World Social Report 2023
- Health sector challenges and policies in the context of ageing populations, Technical Paper No. 2021/03
- Ageing populations: We are living longer lives, but are we healthier? Technical Paper No. 2021/2
- World Population Ageing 2020
- World Population Ageing 2020 Highlights
- Measuring household and living arrangements of older persons around the world, Technical Paper No. 2020/03
- World Population Ageing 2019
- World Population Ageing 2019 Highlights
- Patterns and trends in household size and composition 2019 Report
- World Population Ageing 2017 Report
- World Population Ageing 2017 Highlights
- Support ratios and demographic dividends: Estimates for the World, Technical Paper No. 2017/1
- World Population Ageing 2015 Report
- World Population Ageing 2015 Highlights
- Directory of Research on Ageing in Africa 2004-2015