
CPD48 Frequently Asked Questions

Commission on Population and Development forty-eighth session

13 to 17 April 2015, New York


Frequently Asked Questions

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Q1. How can NGOs attend sessions of the Commission on Population and Development?

Only representatives of NGOs in Consultative status with ECOSOC can attend sessions the Commission on Population and Development. Several weeks before each session, NGOs in Consultative status with ECOSOC can register their representatives using an online registration system. Names of NGOs that register their participants are also recorded in the official report of the Commission. The registration process also helps the UN plan its security measures and logistics.

Due to space constraints, a maximum of 5 representatives of each organization is permitted to attend.

NGO representatives are welcome in the plenary and open side events, subject to room capacity. NGO representatives are not allowed to enter closed meetings.

Q2. When do we register?

News and information about the Commission and NGOs registration are available on the webpage of the Commission during the months leading up to the Session.

Q3. How does the registration process work?

To attend sessions of the Commission, representatives of NGOs must complete an application form online. Detailed information will have to be provided for each registrant. Once the application form is completed and submitted, UN Staff will review and approve each application. Thereafter, a Confirmation Letter with a unique and non-transferable identifying number will be generated by the system. Prior to the opening of the session, all NGO registrants will complete their registration process at UN Headquarters where they will use their Confirmation Letter to check-in at a Registration Desk and pick up their UN grounds-passes.

Pre-registration will close on Friday, 31 March 2015

Q4. Can we make statements at the session of the Commission?

Only NGOs in General and Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC can submit written statements and make oral statements at sessions of the Commission in accordance with ECOSOC resolution 1996/31. Statements and presentations should adhere to the topic of the priority theme of the session and be in one of the six official UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish. Guidelines and suggestions for statements and presentations are also included.

Please note that written statements, to be circulated as official documents for consideration of the Commission, can be submitted between 12 November 2014 and 12 December 2014 Only the first 20 statements will be translated into the official United Nations languages. The address for submission of written statements is: CPD48NGO@un.org

Other concerns

Q5. Where do we get official documents?

Once published, official documents on the Commission are made available on the web page of the Commission and can be downloaded via the 

Q6. Will the United Nations help me with my travel and US visa?

Arrangements for travel, including visas, accommodation and transportation are the sole responsibility of NGOs. No individual invitations or other letters will be sent to US Consular Offices by the United Nations. The above Confirmation Letter is only a record of the NGO representative’s registration to attend a meeting at the United Nations. It does not imply any support or endorsement of the NGOs or its representatives by the United Nations or its Secretariat.

Q7. Does the United Nations provide funding for NGO representatives to attend sessions of the Commission?

The UN Secretariat does not have the mandate or budget-line to provide funding for NGO representatives to attend sessions of the Commission. The costs of travel, visas, accommodation, daily subsistence and other arrangements, are of the sole responsibility of NGOs.

Q8. Can the UN accommodate my accessibility requirements?

The UN can make reasonable accommodations to enable the participation of NGO representatives with disabilities. Those include accommodations such as hearing loops, as well as Braille documents that can be printed as needed. However, information regarding accessibility requirements will have to be provided to the UN Secretariat at least a month in advance of the session.

Q9. Contact information

For any questions or concerns, please write to: CPD48NGO@un.org

Q10. What are the deadlines?

  • Preregistration: 12 November 2014 – 31 March 2015
  • Written statement: 12 November 2014 – 12 December 2014
  • Oral statement: by 10 April 2015