
CPD58 written statement submission

Submission of written statements for CPD58 will be open for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC from 1 November to 1 December 2024. &Բ;

NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) may submit one individual statement per organization and may sign on to multiple joint statements. NGOs are strongly encouraged to submit joint statements in collaboration with other NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC. &Բ;

To submit a written statement, please follow these instructions: &Բ;

Content &Բ;

  • Written statements by organizations in general consultative status with ECOSOC may not exceed 2,000 words including the cover page; statements by organizations in special consultative status with ECOSOC may not exceed 1,500 words including the cover page. &Բ;
  • Statements should adhere to the topic of the special theme of the session: “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages”. &Բ;
  • Statements must be submitted in English or French. &Բ;

Formatting &Բ;

If you are not able to use the provided MS-Word template, you may alternatively copy-paste the text of your statement into the body of your submission email (see section on submission below). &Բ;

  • Cover page: &Բ;
    • Insert the name of the submitting organization where indicated on the cover page of the template. Please do not change the other elements of the cover page. &Բ;
    • If you are submitting a joint statement, add the names of the submitting organizations in alphabetical order on the cover page. &Բ;
    • Ensure that the name of your organization (and of other NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC) is referenced as contained in the official list of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC. &Բ;
  • Statement text: &Բ;
    • Insert the text of your statement in the text section (starting on page 2) of the template. &Բ;
    • Do not use footnotes, end notes or web links. Please incorporate all information into the text of the statement. &Բ;
    • If the statement is endorsed by other NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, add a note at the end of the document to this effect. (The names of the NGOs should be in alphabetical order) &Բ;
    • Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms. (For a list of permissible acronyms, please consult the UN Editorial Manual. The acronyms on this list can be used if spelled out in the first instance). All other acronyms, including the acronym for the Commission on Population and Development ("CPD") and for your organization are not allowed in written statements. &Բ;

Submission &Բ;

  • Using the provided template, save your written statement in MS-Word format (docx/doc). Use the name of your organization as document name. &Բ;
  • Ensure that the entire document, including the cover page, is within the applicable word limit (2,000 words for organizations in general consultative status; 1,500 words for organizations in special consultative status). &Բ;
  • Attach the document to an email, using the official ECOSOC name of your organization as email title/subject. &Բ;
  • Send the email containing the attached statement to cpdngo@un.org , from the official email account of your organization, or one of your organization’s conference focal points. &Բ;
  • If you are not able to use the provided template, we would be able to accept your statement as plain text within the body of the email. We are not able to accept other formats such as PDF, jpeg, etc. &Բ;
  • Please note that your email submission tocpdngo@un.org įis final; you will not be able to edit your statement upon submission or send multiple versions. Kindly ensure that your statement is finalized prior to sending to cpdngo@un.org . &Բ;
  • All submissions need to be received prior to the deadline of 1 December 2024. We will not be able to accept late submissions. &Բ;
  • Submissions will be reviewed and accepted in the order they are received. The first twenty statements accepted will be processed by the UN Secretariat and published as formal documents that will be posted on the Session’s webpage. &Բ;

Editorial Recommendations 

  • Identify key ideas that you would like to address; introduce these ideas in the first sentence or paragraph of your statement. &Բ;
  • Avoid repetition. Keep statements clear, simple and to the point. &Բ;
  • To make reading effortless, organize material by applying the principle of one thought per paragraph. &Բ;
  • Ensure accurate facts and figures. &Բ;
  • Do not be critical of a UN Member State or Government leader/s. &Բ;
  • Do not make critical generalizations of a group or persons/countries/organizations. &Բ;
  • Avoid the use of quotations. &Բ;

For questions concerning the submission process, please contact cpdngo@un.org &Բ;