
International symposium on international migration and development

Turin, Italy
28-30 June 2006


Opening Statement

José Antonio Ocampo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York. International Migration and Development

The High-level Dialogue and beyond

Peter Sutherland, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on International Migration and Development. The High-level Dialogue and beyond


International migration and development

Migrants and cities


EU policies on migration and development

Decentralized development cooperation and migration


Temporary worker migration

Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Elena Zúñiga, Mexico.

Capacity building for migration and development

Knowledge and migration

Policy responses to skilled migration

International migration in Asia: Issues, challenges and responses

Remittances, development and the MDGs: UNDP's evolving perspective

Euro-Mediterranean migration issues

Globalization of education and strategies to mobilize the highly skilled

Enhancing intra-regional cooperation with respect to migration in the Arab region

Migration, remittances and development strategies

  • Dilip RATHA, Development Economics Research Group, World Bank, Washington DC. Pierella PACI, Poverty Reduction Group, World Bank, Washington DC

The benefits of return migration

International migration and the achievement of the MDGs in Africa

Trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants: From international norms to practical solutions

Mode 4 of trade in services and its development impact

Entrepreneurship among migrants and returnees

Migration to the United States, Australia and Canada

Policy framework and health services: Issues of female migrants

Migration and development: Policy and data issues

Migration in the CIS and Central and Eastern Europe

Labour migration, decent work and development: The ILO approach

Children, youth and migration

Closing session

  • Discours de clôture. H.E. Ali Hachani, Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly and Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations, New York