Expert group meeting on international migration and development in Asia and the Pacific

Bangkok, Thailand
The Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized an expert group meeting on international migration and development in Asia and the Pacific. The meeting was held at the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in Bangkok, Thailand from 20 to 21 September 2008.
The meeting brought together representatives from Governments, international organizations and civil society to discuss the following topics: (1) international migration trends in Asia and the Pacific, (2) regional migration policies and regional cooperation mechanisms on migration; (3) patterns and trends in regional labour migration, and (4) the impact of international migration on regional development.
Organization of work
Saturday, 20 September 2008 |
13.00 – 17.00 |
I. International migration trends in Asia and the Pacific in the global context
Special presentation
II. Regional migration policies and cooperation mechanisms
Sunday, 21 September 2008 | |
9.00 – 12.00 |
III. Labour migration
IV. International migration and development
13.30 – 15.00 |
Special presentation
V. Closing
Background paper
- Key trends and challenges on international migration and development in Asia and the Pacific UNESCAP
Philip Martin. Managing labor migration: Asia and the GFMD
J-L Rallu. Population, migration and development in Asia, with special emphasis on the South Pacific...,
Manolo Abella. Emerging issues in governance of labour migration in Asia Pacific
Maruja Asis. Transnational solidarity: migrant-homeland cooperation for development in Asia
Richard Bedford. Migration policies, practices and co-operation mechanisms in the Pacific
Richard P.C. Brown. Remittances and development in the Pacific: effects on human development
Mohammed Ebrahim Dito. GCC labour migration governance
Geoffrey Ducanes. Migration data through labour force surveys
Bela Hovy. The international migration database
Keiko Osaki-Tomita. Key trends and issues on international migration in Asia and the Pacific
Tasneem Siddiqui. Migration and gender in Asia
Ronald Skeldon. Migration and development
Thomas Vargas. Refugee and asylum flows in Asia and the Pacific
Sabine Henning. Levels and Trends of International Migration in Asia and the Pacific
Contributed papers
Philip Martin. Another miracle? Managing labour migration in Asia (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/1)
Richard P. C. Brown. Remittances and development in the Pacific: effects on human development (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/3)
Ronald Skeldon. Migration and development (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/4)
Richard Bedford. Migration policies, practices and cooperation mechanisms in the Pacific (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/5)
Tasneem Siddiqui. Migration and gender in Asia (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/6)
Mohammed Ebrahim Dito. GCC labour migration governance (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/7) -
Maruja Asis. Transnational solidarity: Migrant-homeland cooperation for development in Asia (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2008/8)