
Measuring the SDG indicator on countries with well-managed migration policies

Bangkok, Thailand

08 November 2017



The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Organization for International Migration (IOM) have been collaborating in the development of the methodology and measurement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator 10.7.2 on well-managed migration policies, to inform the global evaluation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

The goal of the workshop, co-organized by UN DESA, IOM and ESCAP, is to analyse and discuss with national representatives and experts the methodology for measuring SDG target 10.7.2, Number of countries that have implemented well-managed migration policies.




  • Organization of work  [English]

  • Provisional list of participants  []

  • Joint presentation on measurement of SDG indicator on countries with well-managed migration policies  [English]

  • Report  [English]

  • Flyer on SDG indicator 10.7.2  [English]


Organization of work

8 November 2017


  • Nagesh Kumar, Director, Social Development Division, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Joint presentation of the proposed methodology for measuring SDG indicator 10.7.2

  • Frank Laczko, Director, Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC), Department of International Cooperation and Partnerships, International Organization for Migration, IOM

  • Clare Menozzi, Population Affairs Officer, Population Division, UN DESA


The United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development

  • Clare Menozzi, Population Affairs Officer, Population Division, UN DESA

Complementary efforts to measure well-governed migration: the 2016 Migration Governance Index

  • David Martineau, Associate Policy Officer, IOM

Interactive panel discussion on the methodology and measurement of SDG indicator 10.7.2

  • Vanessa Steinmayer, Chief a.i., Sustainable Demographic Transition Section, Social Development Division, ESCAP