
Panel discussion on migration and sustainable development

New York

24 April 2013


The Panel Discussion on Migration and Sustainable Development-Opportunities and Challenges will be co-organized by the Division for Sustainable Development and the Population Division, DESA in the margin of the forty-sixth session of the Commission on Population and Development, to be held in New York on 22-26 April 2013.

A growing interest in the migration-development nexus has led to an increase in research on the subject. Expanded efforts to collect and analyze data have resulted in significant progress in the understanding of migration aspirations (economic, risk diversification and environmental factors etc.). The consequences of movement on receiving and sending countries (remittances, social effects, and transnational networks) and the role of development in fueling migration are also better grasped. But an understanding of the highly complex system of demographic, economic, social and environmental factors remains incomplete.


Organization of work

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

1:15pm - 1:25pm

Opening remarks by Mr. John R. Wilmoth, Director of Population Division, UNDESA

  • ā€œFollow-up to the outcome of Rio+20 and positioning of migration in the post-2015 development agendaā€


1:25pm - 1:55pm

Presentations by panelists

Moderator: Ms. Marion Barthelemy, Chief of Branch, Division for Sustainable Development, UNDESA

  • Dr. A.K. Abdul Momen, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN. ā€œStrengthening national policies and regional cooperation on migration and sustainable developmentā€
  • Mr. Willian Lacy Swing, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration ā€œInternational cooperation on migration and sustainable developmentā€

  • Mr. Udo Janz, Director, UNHCR Liaison Office in New York ā€œProtection of people displaced by natural disastersā€


1:55pm - 2:25pm

Interactive discussion


2:25pm ā€“ 2:30 pm



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