Workshop on strengthening the collection and use of international migration data for development, Dakar, Senegal
Dakar, Senegal
The Population Division and the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, organized a regional workshop for selected countries of Northern and Western Africa on the collection and use of international migration data for development. The workshop took place at the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) in Dakar, Senegal, from 8 to 11 September 2015. The workshop brings together experts from national statistical offices in charge of producing official statistics on international migration as well as experts from relevant ministries or agencies in charge of compiling and analysing migration data for policy purposes. Experts from international organizations will be invited to participate as resource persons.
This activity was supported by the Government of Italy through the project "Capacity Development in Production and Use of Data for Formulating Evidence-based Policies on Migration and Development in Africa".
Organization of work
Tuesday, 8 September 2015 |
09.00 β 10.30 |
Session I. Registration, welcome and opening |
10.30 β 12.30 |
Session II. The international migration and development agenda and its implications for data collection |
Key questions. 1. What are some national policies to leverage migration for development and to address challenges in the field of international migration? 2. What role can or should migration data play in underpinning these policies? 3. What are some of the key challenges in the collection and use of migration data |
14.00 β 17.30 |
Session III. Sources of international migration data: An overview |
Key questions 1. What are main sources for international migration data? 2. What data do countries need to inform migration policy? 3. How can data gaps be addressed? |
Wednesday, 9 September 2015 |
09.30 β 17.30 |
Session IV. Improving the collection, analysis, dissemination and use of migration data from population censuses |
Implementing migration questions in the 2010 round of population censuses: lessons learnt and looking ahead |
Implementing migration questions in the 2010 round of population censuses: products, data quality assessment, and data analysis |
Thursday, 10 September 2015 |
09.30 β 12.30 |
Session V. Enhancing the use of administrative sources to measure migration |
National experiences in using administrative sources for migration data
14.00 β 16.00 |
Session VI. Using household surveys as a tool to measure migration and its impact |
Methodologies for conducting household surveys |
National experiences in conducting migration surveys |
16.00 - 17.45 |
Special Session. Harnessing diaspora contributions: Developing policies, measuring progress |
09.30 β 10.30 |
Session VII. Promoting regional cooperation, capacity building and data exchange on migration data |
11.00 β 11.30 |
Session VIII. Formulating goals, targets and indicators on international migration |
11.30 β 12.30 |
Session IX. Integrating international migration in national development planning |
Objective: Countries to prepare a plan to improve international migration data for national policy planning, making use of the tools that have been presented and discussed in the workshop |
14.00 β 15.00 |
Group work: making a plan |
15.00 β 16.30 |
Session X. Evaluation, conclusions and closing |