CPD48 Oral statements
Commission on Population and Development forty-eighth session
13 to 17 April 2015, New York
The deadline for submission of oral statements is now closed.
Oral statements
Information for NGOs wishing to make oral statements at the 48th Session of the Commission on Population and Development
Only NGOs in general and special ECOSOC consultative status may make oral statements, time permitting, during the general debate at the Commission for Social Development.
Oral statements should be based on the priority theme of the Session: "Realizing the future we want: integrating population issues into sustainable development, including in the post-2015 development agendaā and made under agenda item 4 āGeneral debate on national experience in population matters: assessment of the status of implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.
Instructions for submitting requests to make oral statements:
Deadline for submission: 10 April 2015
- Requests to make oral statements and be inscribed on the list of speakers should be sent by email to the Secretariat of the Commission (CPD48NGO@un.org) under the subject "CPD2015 - NGO Oral statement"
- Written statements should not be included at this stage. Only submit the name of your NGO and contact details of presenter;
- Presentations cannot exceed 3 minutes and should adhere to the topic of the priority theme of the Session;
- Presentations will be made in one of the six official UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish;
- The UN Secretariat will confirm receipt of the request received;
- Inclusion of NGO presenters on the list of speakers is made on a āfirst-come-first-servedā basis, and is dependent on the time available. There are no guarantees that an oral statement will be made at the Session;
- NGO Written Statements submitted should not be orally presented, as these documents are already provided to the Commission. Furthermore, such repetition would hinder other NGOs from having their views heard by the Commission;
- Joint statements on behalf of a number of NGOs are encouraged. The person delivering the statement should make clear on behalf of which organizations he/she is speaking. The names of the NGOs should be in alphabetical order.
Some suggestions when making oral statements:
- Organize your speech to highlight your key idea;
- Strive for clarity and coherence;
- Avoid repetitive or incomprehensible language;
- Use simple sentence structure; Avoid jargon;
- Avoid being critical of a UN Member State or Government leader/s;
- Do not make critical generalizations of a group or persons/countries/organizations;
- Double check your facts;
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- Avoid abbreviations and acronyms;
- Time yourself delivering the speech to ensure that you can adhere to the time limit.