


1. What is ¡°registration of personnel¡± and what is ¡°registration to meetings¡±? | 2. Should I be registered as a personnel or registered for meetings? | 3. Is there a minimum amount of time to get registered as a personnel? | 4. My spouse and children are American citizens, should I register them? | 5. I am a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder), do I need to submit a copy of my passport? | 6. May my children have a United Nations badge? | 7. May my spouse get a United Nations badge? | 8. What is the difference between Diplomatic rank and Functional title? | 9. I have a new passport, but my visa is in my expired passport, which passport do I have to submit to the Protocol Office? | 10. I am a student with authorised Optional Practical Training (OPT), for being registered do I have to present a photocopy of my I-20 or a photocopy of my Employment Authorization Card? | 11. Should I write a cover letter for requests related to personnel matters? | 12. In which cases do I need a letter addressed to the Chief of Protocol? | 13. When do I need to contact my Protocol Officer? | 14. Where can I find the address of the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service, forms, notes verbales, the Blue Book, or the List of U.N. Senior Officials? | 15. Who is the desk officer responsible for my Permanent Mission/Observer Office? | 16. How many pictures are needed for registration? | 17. Should I address the cover letter to the U.N. Secretary-General or to the Chief of U.N. Protocol?



1. What is ¡°registration of personnel¡± and what is ¡°registration to meetings¡±?

¡°Registration of personnel¡±

All personnel of the Permanent Missions/Observer Offices and specialized agencies, as well as their families and household employees, have to be registered with the Protocol and Liaison Service so that their information can be processed and communicated in a timely manner to the Host Country.

¡°Registration to meetings¡±

Registration to UN meetings refers to the furnishing of members of official delegations with credentials by their home country.
Permanent Missions/Observer Offices, specialized agencies and associate members of regional commissions must request access passes for the accredited members of official delegations and/or support staff who will attend meetings of United Nations organs at Headquarters, or meetings with Secretariat officials, through the online accreditation system .


2. Should I be registered as a personnel or registered for meetings?

You should be registered for meetings if:
¡¤ You are a member of a delegation attending an official UN meeting or a meeting with UN senior officials;

You should be registered as a personnel if:
¡¤ You are a full time member of the mission/office personnel ¨C diplomatic or clerical.
¡¤ You are an intern or a temporary member of the mission/office and you are not part of a delegation.

Please note: when both spouses are appointed to a mission as individual staff members, both should be registered as staff members through individual registration process.


3. Is there a minimum amount of time to get registered as a personnel?

You, your family and your household employees should be registered immediately upon arriving at a mission and beginning your employment. If you are working for a mission, you should be registered.


4. My spouse and children are American citizens, should I register them?

Yes, when residing with you they should be registered, even if they are American citizens.


5. I am a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder), do I need to submit a copy of my passport?

If you are a U.S. Citizen: Yes, you need to submit a scanned copy (pdf format) of the biographic information page of your passport.

If you are a U.S. permanent resident: Yes, you need to submit a scanned copy (pdf format) of your passport together with a copy of the front and back sides of your green card (U.S. permanent resident card (pdf format)


6. May my children have a United Nations badge?

Neither the children of diplomatic nor clerical staff may obtain a United Nations badge.


7. May my spouse get a United Nations badge?

Only spouses of diplomats may obtain a United Nations badge.


8. What is the difference between Diplomatic rank and Functional title?

diplomat is a person appointed by a state to conduct negotiations with representatives of other states. Their letters of accreditation enable him or her to carry out duties on behalf of the country or institution that has accredited them. The diplomatic rank is given to a diplomat by the government as an indicator of their level in the diplomatic service. Such ranks include Ambassador, Counsellor, First Secretary, or ´¡³Ù³Ù²¹³¦³ó¨¦, among others.

The functional title is a description of the diplomat's specific portfolio, if any, at a particular diplomatic station. Not every diplomat may have a functional title. Examples of such titles include Permanent Representative, Military Adviser, or Legal Officer.

The functional title is also the description of a non-diplomatic staff member's assignment. Such personnel do not have diplomatic ranks, and serve in functional capacities at the Missions. Examples of such titles include Secretary, Chauffeur, or Security Officer.

Diplomatic rank (exhaustive list):

  • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  • Ambassador
  • Minister Plenipotentiary
  • Minister
  • Minister Counsellor
  • Counsellor
  • First Secretary
  • Second Secretary
  • Third Secretary
  • ´¡³Ù³Ù²¹³¦³ó¨¦
  • Assistant ´¡³Ù³Ù²¹³¦³ó¨¦

Functional title (non-exhaustive list):

Diplomatic personnel

  • Permanent Representative
  • Deputy Permanent Representative
  • Military Advisor

Non-diplomatic personnel

  • Financial Officer
  • Secretary
  • Receptionist
  • Assistant
  • Driver
  • Interpreter
  • Etc. ¡­

Please note:

Adviser is not a diplomatic rank. To be a functional title, the adviser's area of expertise must be specified (i.e, Policy Adviser, Legal Adviser, etc.).

A diplomatic rank is not a function.


9. I have a new passport, but my visa is in my expired passport, which passport do I have to submit to the Protocol Office?

Copies of both passports¡¯ biographic information page have to be scanned (pdf format) and submitted.


10. I am a student with authorised Optional Practical Training (OPT), for being registered do I have to present a photocopy of my I-20 or a photocopy of my Employment Authorization Card?

You have to present both. F-1 visa students eligible for Optional Practical Training (OPT) work authorization by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS), have to present a copy of his/her I-20 plus a copy of his/her Employment Authorization Card.


11. Should I write a cover letter for requests related to personnel matters? (very important)

Diplomatic movements, appointments, promotions, departures, etc., as well as any other personnel matters, should be announced in a letter [not a note verbale]. As a rule of thumb, letters are needed for any request of action regarding personnel matters: registration, termination, pass renewal, change of data, correction of data, etc.

Any official communication containing important information regarding the Governments of Member States should also be communicated in a letter by the head of the mission/office.

Notes verbales are used only to communicate routine administrative matters other than personnel matters, i.e. closing of the mission due to a National Holiday.

For more information, please refer to the distinction between letters and notes verbales on the Definitions section of this page.


12. In which cases do I need a letter addressed to the Chief of Protocol?

A letter addressed to the Chief of Protocol is needed in the following cases:

Registration/termination of:

  • Administrative, technical and support staff,
  • Household employee(s),
  • Specialized agencies personnel,
  • Interns,
  • And family members of all of the above that reside with the principal;
  • Issuance of passes to former Permanent Representatives;
  • Lost passes;
  • Information updates.


13. When do I need to contact my Protocol Officer? (Non-exhaustive list)

  • Visit of a VIP;
  • Absence of the Permanent Representative/Observer;
  • Presentation of credentials;
  • Change of government, name of country or flag;
  • Changes regarding mission/office personnel (address, visa, marital status, etc.) and the mission/office itself (address, phone number, general email address, etc.).


14. Where can I find the address of the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service, forms, notes verbales, the Blue Book, or the List of U.N. Senior Officials?

You can find all of this information on the website of the Protocol and Liaison Service

Address: Room S-0201, United Nations, New York, NY 10017

Tel: (212) 963-7171, (212) 963-7172


15. Who is the desk officer responsible for my Permanent Mission/Observer Office?

To find the desk officer responsible for your Permanent Mission/Observer Office, please consult the Assignments of Officers page


16. How many pictures are needed for registration?

One scanned photo is needed. Photos must be in jpg format, colour, passport size, and taken within the last six months.


17. Should I address the cover letter to the U.N. Secretary-General or to the Chief of U.N. Protocol?

  • A letter should be addressed to the Secretary-General if you are registering a diplomatic personnel as a staff of the Permanent Mission.
  • A letter should be addressed to the Chief of U.N. Protocol if you are registering a non-diplomatic personnel as a staff of the Permanent Mission (i.e. administrative, technical and support staff) or if you are registering a household employee of a diplomatic or non-diplomatic staff of the Permanent Mission.



The principal is the person who is employed by the mission/office, whether in a diplomatic or non-diplomatic capacity. Dependents are family members of the principal or household staff employed by the principal (NOT by the mission/office).

Local Permanent Address

Address where the principal and their dependents reside while working at the mission/office. This address must be within the tri-state area local to New York (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut). This address may NOT be the Permanent Mission, unless the mission also functions as a full-time residence for its staff.

Letter / Note Verbale

A letter is a formal communication from an individual (e.g. the Permanent Representative or the Head of Chancery) addressed to another individual (e.g. the Secretary-General or the Chief of Protocol). It is signed by the author of the letter. The letter is normally signed by the Permanent Representative or Observer of the entity concerned or, in his or her absence, the Charge d¡¯Affaires e.g. of the Mission or Office.

A note verbale is a general communication that may be directed to an organization (third person) or large group of organizations (e.g. the United Nations or all Permanent Missions). It is initialled by the author. It is sent by a Permanent Mission/Observer Office and is unsigned.