Explore workshops supporting the following themes of the Summit of the Future:
1. Sustainable development and financing for development
2. International Peace and Security
3. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
4. Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
5. Transforming global governance
For additional information on the Summit of the Future, please visit .
to view the list in PDF format.
Note: Three (3) 75-minute Workshops will take place on 9 May from 10:15 to 11:30, 11:45 to 13:00, and 13:15 to 14:30.
9 May 2024
10:15 - 11:30
Building Resilient Communities: Rethinking Humanitarian Support and Care Initiatives
for Sustainable Development in Africa
Oxfam International & Oxfam Africa
Conference Room 9
Sustainable development and financing for development
Inclusive Multilateralism: Special focus on Sustainable Development through Women¡¯s Land Rights and Control over Natural Resources
Stand for Her Land Campaign
CW 113
Sustainable development and financing for development
Connecting Grassroots and Global Visions for Gender Justice
F¨°s Feminista
Conference Room 10
Sustainable development and financing for development
A seat at the table for 1 billion persons with disabilities: Building a truly inclusive future for ALL
International Disability Alliance
Conference Room 11
Sustainable development and financing for development
People-Centered Smart Cities for an Open, Secure and Inclusive Digital Future
Conference Room 13
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
Governing Our Planetary Emergency - Updating our International Governance Architecture and Showcasing Implementation Pathways Toward a Just Transition
Climate Governance Commission & Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
Conference Room 2 - 4
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
A New Global Deal To Implement The Sustainable Development Goals
Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
UNON Press Room
Sustainable development and financing for development
Leveraging SOTF and G20 synergies to transform global governance
Igarap¨¦ Institute
Conference Room 6
Sustainable development and financing for development
#SDG16Now ¨C Mobilizing for Peaceful, Just & Inclusive Societies
The #SDG16Now Campaign
Conference Room 7
International Peace and Security
Multistakeholder Internet Governance: Enabling a Sustainable Digital Future
Internet Society
Conference Room 8
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
Successes and Barriers of Meaningful Youth Engagement: From ECOSOC Youth Forum to the Summit of the Future and Social Summit
Major Group for Children and Youth
Conference Room 1
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Futures Storytelling Workshop for Community Engagement. Red Sky Falling-How Does the World End?
The Futures Forum/Caribbean Futures Forum
Room: Hub
11:45 - 13:00
DPI Safeguards: Leveraging DPI for Safer Inclusive Societies
Office of the UN Secretary-General¡¯s Envoy on Technology
Conference Room 9
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
Co-Creating the Future: Children's Experiences Towards a Greener, Fairer, and Happier World
Save the Children International
Conference Room 10
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Two NGO - One Purpose! VIGALEX and Congos B?rn for the good of street children in Kinshasa
Congo's B?rn
Conference Room 10
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Fostering Human Rights-Centered Economies
Amnesty International
Conference Room 11
International Peace and Security
Role of CSO Stakeholders in 20 Years of the WSIS Process, towards the SOTF and beyond
WSIS/ITU, IFLA, IT for Change, Globethics, APC, Research ICT Africa, Womenvai, LocNET Initiative, ACEF Africa
Conference Room 13
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
The Road from the Summit of the Future to Beijing+30
UN Women & NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York
Conference Room 2 - 4
Transforming global governance
Reimagining Development: Reclaiming the Dignity of African Women and Girls
The African Women¡¯s Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)
UNON Press Room
Sustainable development and financing for development
Earth Trusteeship: Establishing Representatives for Future Generations
World Future Council
Conference Room 6
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Revolutionary Solidarity: How CSOs can better support social movements
Tanzania / Global network
Conference Room 7
International Peace and Security
Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development and a more Equitable Future
Partnerships For Change.
Conference Room 8
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Empowering Civil Society: 10-year Lessons Learned and the Way A Head for the SDGs
UN ECLAC & MY World Mexico
Conference Room 1
Transforming global governance
The Mental Health of Youth for Future Generations: A Global Priority
American Psychological Association (APA)
CW 114
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Bridging Art and Advocacy: Creative Expression Towards the Summit of the Future
Intergenerational & Youth Subcommittee and Major Group of Children & Youth
Room: Hub
13:15 - 14:30
Unlocking Change: Visions of transformation for a youth-driven future
UN Futures Lab/Global Hub of EOSG & The Unlock the Future coalition (Plan International & World YWCA)
Conference Room 1
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
SOTF 101 - Unpacking the Pact for the Future
Coalition for the UN We Need
Conference Room 10
Transforming global governance
Shaping a Better Future for the Next Generation
China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE)
Conference Room 11
Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations
Innovating Education for Impact: Harnessing AI to Support SDGs in Global Communities
Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC)
Conference Room 13
Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact
Let¡¯s have an ambitious Pact of the Future!: Why democracy, peace and security in Africa and the Geneva multilateral agenda matter.
UNDEF, Greycells (Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development) & Network Of The Independent Commission for Human Rights in Northern Africa CIDH AFRICA.
Conference Room 2 - 4
Transforming global governance
The Crucial Role of Women Mediators in Peace Processes in West Africa
Make Every Woman Count
UNON Press Room
Sustainable development and financing for development
Partnership for the Future ¨C Collaboration-Based Approaches to Organized Crime
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Conference Room 6
International Peace and Security
Abuja Declaration on Summit of the Future Dialogue
Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development
Conference Room 7
International Peace and Security
UNMute Civil Society: from Recommendations to Actions
Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United Nations
Conference Room 8
Transforming global governance
Inclusive Global Governance: From Ideas to Action
Democracy Without Borders (DWB) & Plataforma CIP?
Conference Room 9
Transforming global governance
Ancestral thought in the Andean region, walking the Andean wisdom in the social movements of Ecuador to Cauca. Defense of human rights and ancestral territory
Indigenous researcher in sustainable epistemologies in Ecuador-Colombia
CW 114
Transforming global governance
Unheard Voices of the Futures
Global Ethics
Room: Hub