is focused on young people and their contribution to saving lives by donating blood. This year’s slogan, “Give blood and keep the world beating”, underscores the energy young people bring to their communities and highlights the way blood donations keep the world healthy and hearts beating. It also reinforces the global call for more people all over the world to donate blood regularly and contribute to better health.
A survey conducted by ahead of , reveals that first menstruation for women and girls in Arab states is often accompanied by fear, shame, lack of information, and even stigma and mistreatment.
In an ahead of the G7 Summit, leaders of the , the , and state that there will be no broad-based recovery without an end to the health crisis and that access to vaccination is key to both. Despite impressive progress on the vaccination front, increasingly, a two-track pandemic is developing, with richer countries having access and poorer ones being left behind. They call for a stepped-up coordinated strategy, backed by new financing at an estimated $50 billion, to vaccinate the world.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit. Nearly 60% of tobacco users around the world want to quit smoking, but only 30% of the global population has access to quality tobacco cessation services. Currently, only 23 countries provide comprehensive services to help tobacco users to quit. In its annual campaign against the tobacco epidemic launched for (31 May), the World Health Organization wants to help 100 million people quit tobacco use through “quit & win” initiatives. Commit to quit today and !
The development of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is a huge step forward in our global effort to end the pandemic. This is exciting news, but there are still some people who are skeptical or hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines. Chances are you know a person who falls into this category – maybe among your group of friends or in your family. If you are unsure of how to approach conversations about vaccines with vaccine skeptics you know, you’re not alone. Dr. Saad Omer, Director at the Yale Institute for Global Health, talks about the do’s and dont's of navigating these difficult discussions.
“Phosphoros” is a beautiful tribute to the heroes and heroines dressed in white – the health workers saving lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This short animation film obtained in 2021 a "GRAND PRIX" in the 2nd edition of the by the World Health Organisation for its competition category on Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It's a film directed by Susana Beatriz Serrano (El Salvador).
Tips on what you can do before, during and after you get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mothers already shouldered tremendous financial, physical, emotional, and intellectual burdens before the onset of the pandemic. But now ‒ under increasing economic pressures, reduced access to health care, diminishing social support and growing unpaid care responsibilities ‒ many of these burdens have become crushing. All of this is taking a toll on the long-term health and welfare of mothers. Women have been by pandemic-related job losses, and researchers are starting to see signs of around the world.
UNESCO's Director-General has welcomed the decision by the United States and many other countries to call for the lifting of patent protection on COVID-19 vaccines. This growing momentum comes in response to the to open up science and boost scientific cooperation. The idea behind is to allow scientific information, data and outputs to be more widely accessible (Open Access) and more reliably harnessed (Open Data) with the active engagement of all the stakeholders (Open to Society).
International Nurses Day (12 May) is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale, considered as the founder of modern nursing. Reports show investment in nursing can have the triple impact of better health, greater gender equality and stronger economies (SDGs 3, 5, and 8). Nurses have proven to be a critical force battling COVID-19, dedicating their time to protect, support, and care for people affected by the virus in the community. We must all acknowledge the great sacrifice they do for the health of all. Thank you nurses for saving lives and keeping our loved ones safe!
A deadly surge in COVID-19 cases is placing an enormous strain on health and critical care facilities in India. This second wave of the pandemic is larger and spreading more rapidly than the first, and is leaving vulnerable families paying a particularly steep price. has already to help India in its battle with COVID-19 and has deployed senior-level experts to the worst hit areas to support state and local authorities. But more support is urgently needed to save lives.
3 May 2021 - The United Nations has deployed all the personnel and resources at its disposal to help Indians deal with the deadly surge in COVID-19 that has seen more than 300,000 reported new cases per day, for almost two weeks now, and left many hospitals overwhelmed.
Romain Grosjean, French-Swiss professional racing driver competing in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES for 2021 is announcing his support for the . Romain will race with the WHO Foundation logo prominently displayed on his race suit and helmet this year.
While immunization services have started to recover from disruptions caused by COVID-19, millions of children remain vulnerable to deadly diseases, the World Health Organization (), and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance warned during , highlighting the urgent need for a renewed global commitment to improve vaccination access and uptake. A has found that, despite progress when compared to the situation in 2020, more than one third of respondent countries (37%) still report experiencing disruptions to their routine immunization services.
Helping to Tackle the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases