Sport can help promote fairness, teambuilding, equality, inclusion, and perseverance. Sport can also cross boundaries and defy stereotypes, inspire hope across nations, and help us get through times of crisis, like COVID19. The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (6 April) presents an opportunity to recognize the role that sport and physical activity plays in communities and in people’s lives. Let’s help end the pandemic by ensuring everyone is protected from COVID-19. Let’s level the playing field and recover better. #OnlyTogether will we play or cheer again. #SportDay
Ambovombe is a landlocked district in southern Madagascar, where only about half of health facilities are accessible year-round because of poor roads and challenging terrain. And even if one could get there, the cost of transportation is too high, resulting in 61 percent of births taking place outside of a health facility. When COVID-19 struck, even more patients stopped going to health centres. For five months, two mobile clinics covered more than 10,000 kilometers to serve 59 remote localities in seven districts.
For World Health Worker Week (5-9 April), let's call on policymakers to listen to health workers and then act for them. Health workers know best what they need to be safer, healthier, and more prepared to end the COVID-19 pandemic, prevent future disease outbreaks, and ensure access to essential services for their communities. This year, we are calling on your support and action to ensure that our health and care workforces are supported, protected, motivated, and equipped to deliver safe health care at all times, not only during COVID-19.
In an extraordinary demonstration of creative energy, the second edition of the Health for All Film Festival has attracted nearly 1200 short film submissions from 110 countries.
The global COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be the largest in history. The delivery of COVID-19 vaccines presents challenges unprecedented in scale, speed, and specificities, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Anticipating the availability of safe and effective vaccines, the together with WHO, UNICEF, the Global Fund, and Gavi rolled out readiness assessments in more than 100 low and middle-income countries. As countries ramp up efforts to vaccinate their populations, the world’s poorest countries show varying degrees of readiness.
Since 2013, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Happiness to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. In 2015, the UN launched the , which seek to , , and protect our planet – three key aspects that lead to well-being and happiness. The Day recognizes happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings and the importance of their recognition in public policy objectives. The United Nations invites everyone to join in and celebrate happiness!
Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is not yet known why this syndrome occurs, but it exists across the globe and results in variable effects on learning styles, physical characteristics and health. This World Down Syndrome Day focuses on improving connections to ensure that all people with Down syndrome can CONNECT and participate on an equal basis with others. Due to the pandemic we all had to adapt the ways we connect, yet many people have been left behind. Let’s connect in an increasingly inclusive way and to recover better.
In this episode of Awake at Night, Dr. , Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (), shares her insights on how lessons from other infectious diseases like tuberculosis and HIV have shaped our response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The clinical scientist also discusses how new technologies have given us the possibility to control diseases in ways we’ve never had before.
Breast cancer survival rates in high-income countries far exceed those in low-income countries. The establishment of WHO’s new Global Breast Cancer Initiative follows a steady escalation in the recognition of breast cancer as a public health priority during the last decades. Through the Initiative, WHO, working in unison with other UN agencies and partner organizations, will provide guidance to governments on how to strengthen systems for diagnosing and treating breast cancer, which in turn is expected to lead to improved capacities to manage other types of cancer.
Despite the growing recognition of the benefits of palliative care in humanitarian settings, its provision has largely been overlooked by the humanitarian sector. began strengthening palliative care services in the Rohingya refugee camps in early 2020, prior to the the full-blown breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to integrate these essential services. Palliative care is a specialized medical field focused on providing relief for people living with a chronic or terminal illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both patients and caregivers.
As the world rolls out COVID-19 vaccines, many people are asking what to expect – in particular, are these vaccines safe? The answer is yes, but here’s a bit more information you may find useful.
El Salvador becomes the first country in Central America to be awarded a certification of malaria elimination by , following more than 50 years of commitment to ending the disease.
Find out how nuclear science plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, from radiotherapy to radiopharmaceuticals to sterilising medical equipment. Cancer is one of the main causes of death worldwide. 10 million people die each year from cancer and the number is growing.
During the COVID-19 pandemic you may be asked to quarantine. This may cause worry or anxiety, and this is normal So take this time to take care of you. Reconnect with loved one, watch movies, read books. Exercise, make crafts or catch up on things you haven't had time for.
Medical doctor Tefera Tewodros was among the first refugees to reach safety in East Sudan at the onset of the crisis last November in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. Stunned by the sheer number of people streaming across the border, many sick or wounded, he realized he had to step up and help. He went to offer his support to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and the Sudanese Commission for Refugees (COR) at the Hamdayet transit centre. The very next day he started volunteering at the health clinic, run by the Sudanese Red Crescent Society. Since then, he has been living and working at the health clinic in the border town of Hamdayet in Kassala state, where the majority of the 60,000 refugees fleeing the conflict in Ethiopia have sought safety.