Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Higher Education: A Space for Gender Equality
This event aimed toprovide a platform for the discussion around the use of information and communication technologies in universities and colleges as a way to advance, promote, and protect gender equality, while addressing related issues of gender-based violence, women's empowerment and greater access of women to higher education. The event will also explore how university policies have evolved and the way in which academic and scientific research is connected to these issues.

[In Spanish language] Trabajando por el Medio Ambiente con las Naciones Unidas
En el marco de las actividades de difusión llevadas a cabo por la iniciativa Impacto Académico de las Naciones Unidas (UNAI, por sus siglas en inglés), y dado el interés de muchos recién graduados, jóvenes profesionales y personas con amplia experiencia laboral, en trabajar con las Naciones Unidas en ámbitos como el del medio ambiente, hemos co-organizado este evento virtual con el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente y la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Nairobi:
Fecha:Jueves, 10 de Noviembre de 2022
Hora:09:00 Ciudad de Panama | 10:00 Nueva York | 11:00 Buenos Aires | 17:00 Nairobi
Lugar o Modalidad: Virtual

Higher Education and Multilateralism: Academia Responding to Global Challenges
Seventy-seven years after the foundation of the United Nations as the cornerstone of multilateralism, its principles and values remain valid. In the current global context, with the emergence of crises and conflicts and several global challenges, the United Nations is a center to harmonize actions and a beacon of hope for billions. For decades, institutions of higher education, particularly its faculty, have been studying this Organization extensively while teaching, researching, and writing about it. Lecturers, professors, and scientists have made significant contributions to the work of the United Nations. Moreover, the interest in the United Nations, and the expectations about the Organization, have grown significantly. And in parallel to it, youth, particularly university students, have been increasingly seen as more actively advocating for the different campaigns, causes, and initiatives the United Nations carries out.

The Role of Higher Education Institutions in the Transformation of Future-Fit Education
Education is a critical driver of the 2030 Agenda. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) including universities and colleges worldwide are preparing future professionals, conducting meaningful research, and engaging with the community and stakeholders to tackle local, national, regional, and global challenges.These HEIs are at the forefront of the solutions required to advance the Sustainable Development Goals, which underscores the fundamental role of education in creating healthy and inclusive societies as envisioned in the 2030 Agenda.

Virtual Event - Fighting Hate Speech: Global Perspectives
TheUnited Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), jointly with theHolocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programmeand the United NationsOutreach Programme on the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery, and the Outreach Programme on the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, to mark the first International Day for Countering Hate Speech, is organizing a virtual event to recognize the significant role of higher education and academics, in the global efforts to promote human dignity and inclusion in times when dissemination of hatred is alarming and rising.Please see below the details of this event:

Briefing - Humanitarian Impact of the War in Ukraine: Response from Universities
Objective:This briefing willreview the multidimensional response from institutions of higher education in assisting those in need due to the war in Ukraine, thus contributing to addressing the humanitarian impact and challenges caused by the conflict. It will also provide an overview of the situation on the ground and the response from the United Nations.
Date:Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Time:10am to 11am [New York time]
RSVP/Registration form:Click

Youth Innovation in the Decade of Action: Stories from Universities
The topic of the S is Ways of Knowing, Modes of Living: Dialogues across a fragmented Earth for the 2030 Agenda. The challenges and existential threats that underlie the , demand action. How do we find new and innovative ways to develop sustainable actions rooted in the SDGs?Within this Conference, Day Zero will be an academic festival with creative spaces (workshops, exhibitions, debates, etc.) presenting work of relevance to the SDGs. For Day Zero, the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) has organized this event:

UNAI Digital Dialogue Series: Advancing the SDGs: The Role of Science
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is holding a global conversation with scholars, educators, researchers, and students to discuss priorities for the future, obstacles to achieving them, and the role of global academic cooperation in addressing global issues.Please see below the details of the next webinar in the UNAI Digital DialogueSeries:
Date:Wednesday, 10 November 2021 (within the framework of the World Science Day for Peace and Development)
Time: 9:30am to 11:30am [New York time]
RSVP/Registration form:

UN Careers Webinar for Mid-Career Professionals in the Pacific
The United Nations is the largest multilateral international organization. It inspires people from around the world to join its mission of maintaining peace, advancing human rights and promoting justice, equality and development.
Title:United Nations Careers Webinar for Mid-Career Professionals in the Pacific
Date:Friday, 24September 2021
Time:10am to 12:00pm (AEST), 12pm to 2:00pm (NZST/FJT)
RSVP/Registration form:

[In Portuguese language] Cidades sustentáveis: o que aprendemos com a COVID 19
A iniciativa Impacto AcadêmicodasNações Unidas tem organizado importantes debatesonline, em múltiplos idiomas, com educadores, pesquisadores e estudantes, a fim de discutir o papel da cooperação acadêmica internacional na abordagem de questões de importância global. Alinhada àAgenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, a UNAI, em conjunto com a uma instituição membro no Brasil, que também atua como o Hub UNAI para o , convidatodos a participar de mais um webinar da nossa série Diálogos Digitais:
Data:quinta-feira, 23de setembrode 2021

[In Spanish language] Combatir el cambio climático: Acciones desde las universidades
La iniciativa Impacto Académico de las Naciones Unidas (UNAI, por sus siglas en inglés) ha venido organizando conversaciones globales en múltiples idiomas con educadores, investigadores y estudiantes a fin de discutir acerca de las prioridades para el futuro, los obstáculos para alcanzar las mismas, y el rol de la cooperación académica internacional al momento de atender y manejar los desafíos de alcance mundial.

[In Spanish language] Educación para la ciudadanía mundial: Nuevas perspectivas y contextos
La iniciativaImpacto Académico de las Naciones Unidas(UNAI, por sus siglas en inglés), en el marco de laDécada de Acción por los ODSy en particular para promover elODS 4: Educación de calidady en concreto la meta de: "De aquí a 2030, asegurar que todos los alumnos adquieran los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para promover el desarrollo sostenible, entre otras cosas mediante la educación para (...) la ciudadanía mundial (...)", invita en conjunto con la

UNAI Digital Dialogue Series: COVID-19 and Youth Employment
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is holding a global conversation with scholars, educators, researchers and students to discuss priorities for the future, obstacles to achieving them, and the role of global academic cooperation in addressing global issues.Please see below the details of the next webinar in the UNAI Digital DialogueSeries:
Date:Thursday, 15 July2021 (within the framework of the World Youth Skills Day)
Time:10am to 11:30am [New York time]
RSVP/Registration form:

HLPF Side Event: Partnering to Educate the Ocean Science Leaders of the Future
The is the main United Nations platform on sustainable development and it has a central role in the follow-up and review of thetheat the global level. As part of the 2021 session of this forum, the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) jointly with the University of Bergen (Norway) -the -, has organized a side event focused on the role of education in ocean science. Please see the details below:

UNAI Digital Dialogue Series: Future of Diplomacy after COVID-19
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is holding a global conversation with scholars, educators, researchers and students to discuss priorities for the future, obstacles to achieving them, and the role of global academic cooperation in addressing global issues.Please see below the details of the next webinar in the UNAI Digital DialogueSeries:
Date:Thursday, 24 June2021 (ahead of the UN Charter Day)
Time:9am to 10:30am [New York time]
RSVP/Registration form: