is co-sponsored by 10 UN system agencies: UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, the ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank and has ten goals related to stopping and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Children's Emergency Fund

Office for Disaster Reduction

World Food Programme

Office for Project Services

Conference on Trade and Development

The World Bank

International Atomic Energy Agency

World Trade Organization

World Health Organization

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Education, Science and Culture

Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

International Labor Organization

Organization for Migration

Food and Agriculture Organization

Fund for Agricultural Development

Development Programme

International Maritime Organization

Refugee Agency

World Meteorological Organization

Office on Drugs and Crime

Intellectual Property Organization

Population Fund

Civil Aviation Organization

Environmental Programme

Telecommunication Union

Relief and Works Agency

Industrial Development Organization

UN Women

Univeral Postal Union

Human Settlements Programme

International Monetary Fund