
Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Africa

Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Africa

Get your Summit of the Future pin and lanyard today!

The UN Bookshop proudly offers an exclusive Summit of the Future pin and lanyard as symbols of unity, global cooperation, and our collective effort toward a sustainable future.

Cafeteria Services at UNHQ for GA 79 High-Level Week

Changes to the café hours of operation prior, during, and after the High-level week of the 79th Session of the General Assembly.

OCHA Philippines helps communities better prepare for disaster

The Information Management Team in the country developed a "dashboard" to present pre-crisis information to local communities, governments, and humanitarian organizations.

Building Bridges through Science Diplomacy (20 Sept.)

“Building Bridges through Science Diplomacy: Accelerating progress toward sustainable development” will pioneer discussions around the role of science diplomacy in responding to global challenges.

Library Reading Rooms Closed for SDG Lounge

Due to the SDG Lounge event, the Library's reading rooms are not available from 13 September to 3 October 2024.

5 things to know about the Summit of the Future

Is there another way the world could be run? This September, a major event at UN Headquarters is being billed as once in a generation opportunity for the international community to forge a new path.

What do ducks have to do with peace?

Last week, more than 160 children had fun finding the answer to that question during the 2024 Ferienspiel ("Holiday Games") held at the UN in Vienna under the title "Birds of Peace".

Four things to know about OCHA’s Financial Tracking Service

Driven by the unprecedented humanitarian needs that the world is witnessing, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has been transforming its Financial Tracking Service.

Celebrating 45 years of the UN Postal Administration in Vienna

An agreement between the UN and the Austrian government enabled the Vienna office of the UN Postal Administration to issue the first UN stamps in Austrian schillings on 24 August 1979.

OneGMS: An all-in-one platform for OCHA’s humanitarian funds

New CERF allocations will now be managed online, from allocation request, to project development, to approval and interim reporting, all on the same platform that manages Country-based Pooled Funds.

A Day in the Life of Head of OCHA suboffice in Syria

"Like many of my Syrian colleagues, I know exactly what it is like to lose your home, your livelihood, your loved ones. And this is why helping others became my calling," says Al-Mouthana Alabdullah.

New from 'UN Chronicle': drug prevention, child labour and more

The 'UN Chronicle' team would like to share with you a selection of recently published articles...

A day in the life of a Humanitarian Affairs Officer in CAR

“Our 'raison d’être' is to save and improve lives,” says Noelia Blascovich. “We must always remain humble, because it is not about us - it is about the people we serve.”

Enhancing gender data on UN Security Council representatives

Delegates, UN staff, and researchers can now readily explore how gender representation has changed over time, identify trends, and analyze progress toward gender equality in global governance.