Mr. Vital do Rego Filho
Vice Chair of the Panel
President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts
Setor de Administração Federal Sul SAFS – Quadra 4, Lote 1
CEP 70042-900, BrasÃlia – DF, Brazil
Mr. HOU Kai
Auditor General of the People’s Republic of China
No.17 Jin Zhong Du Nan Jie Fengtai District,
Beijing, China 100073
H.E. Counsellor, Mohamed El-Faisal Youssef
President of the Accountability State Authority of Egypt
Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt
Mr. Pierre Moscovici
First President de la Cour des comptes de France
13 Rue Cambon
75100 Paris cedex 01, France
Mr. Kay Scheller
President Federal Court of Auditors
Adenauerallee 81
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Mr. K Sanjay Murthy
Vice-Chair of the Panel
Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India
9 Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg
New Delhi 110124
Dr. Isma Yatun
Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI)
PO Box 4330
Jakarta 10043
Mr. Guido Carlino
President of Corte dei conti
Corte dei Conti, Via A. Baiamonti, 25
00195 Rome, Italy
Ms. Tsakani Maluleke
Auditor-General of South Africa
4 Daventry Street,
Lynnwood Bridge Office Park
Lynnwood Manor
Pretoria, SA
Mr. Pascal Stirnimann
Swiss Federal Audit Office
Monbijoustrasse 45
CH 3003 Berne, Switzerlan
Mr. Gareth Davies
Chair of the Panel
Comptroller and Auditor General
National Audit Office
157-197 Buckingham Palace Road
Victoria, London SW1W 9S0P
Mr. Sejong Lee
Executive Secretary
2 UN Plaza DC2-2158
New York, NY 10017