The LDC Future Forum: Accelerating the Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Least Developed Countries
The desired outcome of the LDC Future Forums is the dissemination of practical and evidence-based case studies, solutions and policy recommendations for achieving sustainable development.

Population and Climate Change: Decent Living for All without Compromising Climate Mitigation
A rise in the demand for energy linked to increasing incomes should not be justification for keeping people in poverty solely to avoid an escalation in emissions and its effects on climate change.

From Local Moments to Global Movement: Reparation Mechanisms and a Development Framework
For two centuries, emancipated Black people have been calling for reparations for the crimes committed against them.

World Down Syndrome Day: A Chance to End the Stereotypes
The international community, led by the United Nations, can continue to improve the lives of people with Down syndrome by addressing stereotypes and misconceptions.

Central Emergency Response Fund’s Climate Action Account: Supporting People and Communities Facing the Climate Crisis
While the climate crisis looms large, there is reason for hope: the launch of the climate action account of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) fills a critical gap in the mosaic of climate financing arrangements.

Applying the Law of the Sea to Protect International Shipping
In past decades, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has worked successfully with Member States and the shipping industry to combat and reduce incidents of piracy and armed robbery, including through building the capacity of countries in the relevant regions to enhance their maritime domain awareness, information-sharing and collaboration.

Multilingual Education: A Key to Quality and Inclusive Learning
The potential of multilingual education is enormous, but realizing its full benefits requires a commitment to lifelong learning and a deeper appreciation of the value of linguistic diversity.

In Turning the Tide Against Female Genital Mutilation, Survivors Can Be Effective Agents of Change
This year’s global campaign on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation focuses on the voices, stories and initiatives of survivors in leading the #EndFGM movement.

Eleanor Roosevelt in the UN Chronicle (1946–1949): On the Making of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights continues to have remarkable influence, not least as the point of origin for our ample collection of human rights treaties, laws, instruments and mechanisms.

Rising Hopes Amid Rising Seas: Developments in International Law Addressing the Threat of Sea-Level Rise
The impacts of sea-level rise linked to climate change raise important questions of international law.

Navigating the Intersection of Climate Action, Clean Energy and Poverty Eradication
Clean energy lies at the intersection of two of the most difficult problems facing humanity—climate change and extreme poverty.

Combating Hatred: Holocaust Memory and Education in Today’s World
Learning about the Holocaust and how it relates to contemporary human rights issues can help shine a light on prejudice, discrimination and “othering”.

The United Nations Is Not Leaving the Sudan
The United Nations, together with national and humanitarian partners, are delivering life-saving assistance and services to people across the Sudan.

Valuing Data Enrichment Workers: The Case for a Human-Centric Approach to AI Development
Through action or inaction, it is people, not machines, who will determine what tomorrow’s society will look like.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Our Shared Values and Path to Solutions
As we navigate these fractious and uncertain times, the Declaration’s enduring power lies in its promise of rights as solutions.