Urbanization and Families
Sustainable urbanization with affordable housing, featured in Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, is foundational to family formation and family life, impacting the health and well-being of family members.

Together We Can Build a Culture of Safety and Health at Work
At the workplace level, a strong culture of occupational safety and health is one in which the right to a safe and healthy working environment is valued and promoted by both management and workers.

Ensuring the Safety and Security of Nuclear Facilities in Ukraine: The Crucial Role of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Ultimately, the safety and security of nuclear power plants is about the safety and security of people—the people who work at the plants, the people who live around them, the people who rely on them for their electricity.

The Legacy of Slavery in the Caribbean and the Journey Towards Justice
Resistance to the oppression of slavery and ethnic colonialism has made the Caribbean a principal site of freedom politics and democratic desire.

Climate Change, Disasters and Their Mitigation
Scientific evidence collected for decades indicates that climate mitigation, especially through reducing fossil fuel consumption and halting deforestation, is vital to ensuring the long-term welfare of humankind and the biosphere.

From “Think” to “Do”: Operationalizing the Sustainable Development Goals in University Curricula
Placing sustainability at the centre of our mission to integrate research and knowledge production, excellence in teaching and engagement with public as well private entities presents a genuine opportunity to “think and do” the SDGs at NC State.

Empowering Girls through Education and Volunteerism Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future
Girls who experience leadership when they are young are more likely to feel confident taking the lead as they mature. How leadership is presented, experienced, modelled and discussed has a big impact on the extent to which girls can see themselves as leaders or recognise and tackle gender bias.

A Global Forum to Put People at the Centre of the Post-COVID-19 Recovery
There can be no real recovery from this pandemic without a broad-based labour market recovery. And to be sustainable, this recovery must be based on the principles of decent work—including health and safety, equity, social protection and social dialogue.

Ecosystem Restoration and Species Recovery Benefit People and Planet
Ecosystem restoration offers the opportunity to effectively halt and reverse degradation, improve ecosystem services and recover biodiversity.

Linguistic Diversity: An Imperative for the United Nations
This year's observance of International Mother Language Day also occurs a few weeks after the launch of the and provides a further opportunity to highlight the extent to which languages and cultures are intertwined and interdependent. Cultures find expression through languages, and they feed languages, nourishing and enriching them.

Global Health Justice: Now Is the Time
The recognition of the social injustices surrounding the pandemic is an important opportunity to understand the longstanding links between health and social and global justice.

Holocaust Museums Commemorate Victims and Provide Perspective for the FutureÂ
In the summer of 2023, Amsterdam’s Jewish Cultural Quarter will open the National Holocaust Museum in the former Teacher School and the Hollandsche Schouwburg. The new museum will not only deal with the history of the Holocaust proper, but it will also show the enormous effect that it had on Dutch society, Jewish and non-Jewish alike.

Online Harassment Is Not Gender-Neutral
Only through collective action between governments, the private sector and civil society can we achieve a future where people can discuss societal issues online free of abuse, regardless of their gender.

Taking Control of Our Right to Read
Now is the time for the United Nations and similar entities to make funding and capacity-building support available so that more scientists and even ordinary people can invest time into developing creative solutions.

Prepare to Prevent: Developing Pandemic-Busting Vaccines Against “Disease X”
Vaccines are at the heart of how modern societies counter infectious disease threats. They are our most potent tool against pandemic risks and will be critical to any future response.