The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
Among other measures to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, the United Nations could develop gender-sensitive monitoring and impact checklists to assist countries with follow-up and assessment of their achievements in all sectors during the crisis.

Connecting the World in Its Time of Need: International Aviation's Pandemic Response
By severing our international connections by air in this manner, COVID-19 has cut off businesses from clients and tourists from destinations and posed disproportionate threats to the poor and vulnerable.

Media and Information Literacy in an Age of Uncertainty
In order to protect democracy, the transition to a digital society and economy must be accompanied by a media and information literacy revolution.

Making Industrialization in Africa Sustainable
Industrial development in Africa needs to be inclusive and sustainable: inclusive so that all sectors of society can participate and benefit from industrialization, and sustainable so that the environment does not suffer.

Addressing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Violence Against Women and Girls
Violence against women and girls was a pandemic long before the outbreak of COVID-19. The underlying causes are not the virus itself or the resulting economic crisis, but rather an imbalance of power and control.

COVID-19 and the Need for Action on Mental Health
Not only would failing to address the mental health impact of the pandemic potentially undo years of work and effort to improve access to and the quality of mental health services, it also creates the possibility of a mental health epidemic that could impact generations to come.

No Persistence—No Peace: A Reflection on the United Nations Contribution to Peace in Colombia
Thanks to its large field presence and decades of work on the ground, the United Nations country team in Colombia knew that for local communities, peace meant much more than the absence of war. Addressing some of their expectations and concerns was critical for peace to be sustainable.

We All Must Take Action
As the United Nations celebrates its 75th Anniversary this year, which has been marked by a global pandemic and global fear, we are all called to renew our sense of solidarity and hope.

The Digital Mask
Our global society has evolved to become increasingly dependent on digital technology. When the technology fails, this reliance can lead to a range of cascading negative effects.

Data, Partnerships and a Strengthened Food System: Accelerating Progress Towards Zero Hunger
The United Nations Secretary-General’s Policy Brief on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition” points to several opportunities to lessen the impact of a food crisis during this pandemic. These opportunities are interlinked and speak to better data collection, building partnerships and strengthening the food system.

Harnessing Urbanization to Accelerate SDG Implementation in a Post-COVID-19 World
The United Nations Secretary General’s Policy Brief on “COVID-19 in an Urban World” is an important confirmation of the centrality of urban areas and urbanization to a holistic, local-to-global response to the pandemic. It appropriately emphasizes the need to address inequality and multidimensional development challenges; strengthening local capacities and responses, especially those of local governments; and accelerating inclusive, green economic recovery.

Post-COVID-19 Sustainable Cities: What Can Universities Do?
The high levels of global and local interconnectivity of cities leave them particularly exposed to deadly epidemics, as they have been throughout history. The recent Policy Brief: COVID-19 in an Urban World, issued by United Nations Secretary-General AntĂłnio Guterres, emphasizes that vulnerable sectors of urban societies are especially harmed both by the incidence of the virus and the economic impact of related shutdown measures.

Commentary: Policy Brief on COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism
The Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism, issued recently by the United Nations Secretary-General, describes the severe, negative effects of the pandemic on global tourism, including job loss, the depletion of natural resources, worsening quality of life for women in the workforce and a lack of world heritage site protection.

Tourism Can Help Lead the World to Recovery
Only by making people feel safe and encouraging them to travel again will the benefits that tourism offers start to return. UNWTO, as the specialized United Nations agency for tourism, must lead by example.

Education During COVID-19 and Beyond: Commentary on the Secretary-General’s Policy Brief
As highlighted in the Secretary-General’s Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond, there is an urgent need for action by all to ensure that the immediate disruption to education does not turn into a generational catastrophe.