
A Chronicle Conversation with Fernanda Maciel and Tina Muir, 10 August 2021

The UN Chronicle speaks with elite runners Fernanda Maciel and Tina Muir about their passion for running and  campaign to urge world leaders to honour their pledge to contribute $100 billion annually for climate action in developing countries.

Photo credit: Kat Jayne/Pexels
Silke Albert

Survivors Can Play a Key Role in Combating Human Trafficking

It is high time that we take to heart the wisdom expressed in the theme of this year's World Day Against Trafficking in Persons and let “victims’ voices lead the way”.

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash.
Ozark Henry

In the Fight to End Human Trafficking, Let Survivors Lead the Way

We must listen to survivors who managed to escape their abusers and successfully found their way back into society, as they can provide us with unique insights into this crime.

UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem visits a mother and her newborn in the maternity ward at Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo 17 May 2021. ©UNFPA/Luis Tato
Natalia Kanem

In Times of Baby Boom or Bust, Reproductive Rights and Choices Are Still the Answer

The global population has been growing for hundreds of years at a rate that has dipped and recovered with booms and busts. To focus solely on inconstant waves pushed and pulled by forces that are often out of our control is to lose sight of the shore, of the human rights that are our solid ground.

Agricultural land in Indonesia. Photo by Pexels/Julien Pannetier
Ann Penny and Sandra Harding

Celebrating the International Day of the Tropics—Towards a Better Global Future

Armed with appropriate training and investment, tropical countries will be able to leapfrog traditional development pathways towards a more sustainable future.

Ghada Waly

Cooperation for Science, Health and Security Needed to Counter COVID-19 Impacts on World Drug Challenges

The theme for —“Share facts on drugs. Save lives” focuses on the power of facts and science to inform approaches to drugs, from individual decisions to effective health and security interventions and policies.

Monument to A.S. Pushkin by M.K. Anikushin. Installed in 1959. Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. oraswet / pixabay
Lyubov Ginzburg

When Pushkin Comes to the Rescue: Multilingualism as a Principle for Harmonious Cooperation

This multilingual dedication to the genius of Russian literature marks Russian Language Day 2021, revealing the hope that Pushkin’s legacy will continue to bring people and nations together, while increasing interest in Russian history and culture. 


 La Trobe Reading Room in the State Library Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Photo credit: Andrew Tan/Pixabay 
Kyriakos Kouveliotis

The "Global Degree" Proposal: A New Institutional Model for Higher Education

The development of a Global Degree as a new educational structure and mode could address current inadequacies as countries and students confront new challenges. This new norm would help make learning more targeted, flexible, current and applicable.

A Buffalo Bicycle rider goes the distance in rural Malawi. Photo by World Bicycle Relief
Alisha Myers, Jessica Hall, Leah De Vos and Lena Kleine-Kalmer

The Value of Cycling as an Accelerator of Sustainable Development

Bicycles could help nearly a billion people living in rural areas at risk of being left behind because education, healthcare, markets, and other critical services are simply out of reach.

Elizabeth Maruma Mrema

Biodiversity is Key to Building a Sustainable Future for All

The benefits and cost effectiveness of working with nature extends to other domains—including food and water security, and climate change. Fortunately, this is becoming better understood, as people start to realize the importance of biodiversity for their own health, well-being and prosperity.

Vehicles experiencing a breakdown or an emergency can stop in the emergency lane; these lanes may themselves present risks to traffic. Wikimedia Commons.
Joëlle Auert and Meleckidzedeck Khayesi

The Role of the United Nations System in Improving Road Safety to Save Lives and Advance Sustainable Development

This article examines how the United Nations system is working to improve road safety throughout the world, and how safer roads can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Protest connected with speed cameras, outside the High Court in London, 2003. Photo courtesy of the author.
Brigitte Chaudhry

Road Deaths and Injuries Shatter Lives: The Impetus for Lower Speeds and Serious Post-Crash Response

Enforcement, investigation and legal response ought to become an integral part of road crash prevention work to finally achieve a shift from the current unacceptable carnage.  

Still shot of actor Subir Banerjee from the film "Pather Panchali" (1955) by Satyajit Ray. Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Sundeep Bhutoria

Humanism and Hope: The Legacy of Film Director Satyajit Ray

Individual struggle for the collective good was often a Ray leitmotif. As he once put it, “I too am an activist—as an artist. That’s my way.”

Herbie Hancock, Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), performs at the inaugural International Jazz Day Concert at UN Headquarters. 30 April 2011. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine
Herbie Hancock

Reflections on 10 Years of International Jazz Day

By inviting everyone at all levels of society to participate and share their culture with the world through jazz, we recognize and give shape to their inherent dignity and equality. 

Judge Joan E. Donoghue, President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), presiding at public hearings held on 15 March 2021.
Joan E. Donoghue

Reflections on the 75th Anniversary of the International Court of Justice

While there are many aspects of international law on which jurists of all stripes can be expected to agree, we must acknowledge that there is no single, homogenized answer to many legal questions that arise in international disputes.